Results: 351

Primary Health Care attributes in the context of indigenous health

ABSTRACT Objectives: to assess the attributes of Primary Health Care from the perspective of health professionals, comparing services in the Special Indigenous Health District and the Municipal Health Offices. Methods: a cross-sectional study in the Upper Rio Negro region, State of Amazonas, with 116 p...

Opiniones de actores de salud sobre la estrategia de búsqueda activa de casos de tuberculosis
Opinions of health stakeholders on the active search strategy for tuberculosis cases

Rev. cuba. med. trop; 71 (3), 2019
Introducción: La pesquisa activa de casos de tuberculosis en la Atención Primaria de Salud como parte del programa de control de la enfermedad en Cuba, tiene retos de implementación que requieren ser estudiados. Objetivo: Explorar las opiniones de los actores de salud involucrados en la implementaci...

Acompanhamento de pessoas com câncer por enfermeiros da atenção primária
Follow-up of People with Cancer by Primary Health Care Nurses

Rev. cuba. enferm; 35 (4), 2019
Introdução: O acompanhamento de pessoas com câncer tem o papel não só de estabelecer a construção e o fortalecimento do vínculo entre usuário, família e unidade de saúde, como também permite que a equipe possa prestar uma assistência de qualidade, priorizando as necessidades do indivíduo. ...

Enfermería, cuidadores principales y familia de pacientes con demencia
Nursing, Main Caregivers and the Families of Patients with Dementia

Rev. cuba. enferm; 35 (4), 2019
Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud reconoce la demencia como una prioridad de salud pública. En Cuba, esta enfermedad ocupa un lugar importante entre las enfermedades crónicas no trasmisibles. Objetivo: Destacar la necesidad de una guía práctica para el personal de enfermería que ...

Inclusion of mental health in primary health care: care strategy in the territory

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the strategies, challenges and possibilities of the articulation between mental health and primary health care from the perspective of health managers. Method: Exploratory, qualitative research carried out with 28 managers of mental health and primary care. The data were ...

Occupational stress and engagement in primary health care workers

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate levels of occupational stress and work engagement among primary health care workers. Method: A descriptive, correlational and transversal study was carried out in a small municipality in the countryside of São Paulo, with a non-probabilistic sample of convenience, with ...

Mental health in primary health care: health-disease according to health professionals

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze perceptions of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) professional team about mental health-disorder and to identify health actions developed by the team for people with mental disorders. Method: a qualitative study of a Marxist theoretical framework and a dialectical method. 9...

Increased Left Atrial Volume and Its Relationship to Vitamin D in Primary Care

The study is based on the fact that left atrial (LA) volume measurement is a marker of the presence of diastolic dysfunction and that Vitamin D deficiency may be associated with ventricular remodeling, worsening of left ventricular (LV) diastolic and systolic function, and activation of the renin-angiote...

Construct validation: coping with HIV/AIDS in Primary Health Care

ABSTRACT Objective: To validate the construct and measure the trustworthiness of a questionnaire aimed at assessing HIV/AIDS coping actions developed by health professionals in Primary Health Care. Method: A methodological study carried out with 397 primary health care professionals in two municipali...

Repercusiones del programa brasileño de evaluación de la calidad en la atención primaria en salud
Repercussions of the Brazilian Program for the Assessment of Quality of Primary Care

Rev. cuba. enferm; 35 (3), 2019
RESUMEN Introducción: El Sistema Único de Salud brasileño, después de 25 años de su creación enfrenta el desafío de la evaluación, a través del Programa Nacional de Mejora del Acceso y de la Calidad de la Atención Básica. Objetivo: Analizar las repercusiones de la evaluación en el proceso...