Results: 150

Formación docente para “virtualizar de emergencia”: aportes a la respuesta universitaria ante la pandemia COVID-19
Teacher training to “virtualize emergency ”: contributions to the response university in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

Reducción de la exposición en residentes de Cirugía frente al brote de COVID-19

Rev. argent. cir; 112 (2), 2020
El brote mundial de COVID-19 durante el primer trimestre de 2020 constituye un desafío sin precedentes para el sistema de salud. El objetivo es describir las estrategias adoptadas por los residentes de Cirugía General de un Hospital Universitario de la Argentina, para salvaguardar la salud de los resid...

COVID-19-Related Challenges in Dental Education: Experiences From Brazil, the USA, and Australia

Abstract Objective: To describe and compare how three dental schools from different countries (Australia, Brazil, and the USA) have managed experiences in dental education during the COVID-19 crisis. Material and Methods: It is a descriptive study reporting the experience that three distinct dental sch...

Impact of teleconsultations on the conduct of oral health teams in the Telehealth Brazil Networks Programme

Abstract Telehealth has been applied in the Unified Health System (SUS) as a tool for qualifying professionals and improving the healthcare provided to the population served by the system. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of teleconsultations on the qualifications of the clinical a...

La educación médica durante la contingencia sanitaria por COVID-19: lecciones para el futuro

Arch. cardiol. Méx; 90 (supl.1), 2020

Teaching in medical residency in times of covid-19

Contribuições das tecnologias digitais na educação permanente dos enfermeiros
The Digital Technologies' Contributions to the Permanent Education of Nurses

Rev. cuba. enferm; 36 (2), 2020
Introdução: O avanço tecnológico da sociedade, nos últimos anos, exigiu uma atualização por parte dos indivíduos na perspectiva de atender às novas demandas nos setores sociais, inclusive na área da saúde. As Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação são ferramentas que possibilitam novas i...

La innovación educativa en los tiempos del Coronavirus

El mundo actual se enfrenta a una Pandemia por un Nuevo Coronavirus, el denominado, COVID-19 o SARS-CoV-2, un virus que se transmite por vía aérea con un alto índice de contagio, lo cual ha obligado a los gobiernos de los diferentes países a tomar medidas que restrinjan la concentraci...