Results: 2437

Development and validation of audiovisual educational technology for families and people with colostomy by cancer

ABSTRACT Objective: produce and validate an educational technology in the form of video for people and families who experience colostomy and cancer. Method: educational technology development study conducted in two phases: production and validation of audiovisual technology, which includes the stages...

Technologies for health education for the deaf: integrative review

ABSTRACT Objective: investigate the scientific evidence on the technologies that are used for health education for deaf people. Method: integrative review carried out in October 2017, with the publications of the last 15 years, in the databases MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, LILACS via Biblioteca Virtual em S...

New National Curricular Guidelines of medical courses: opportunities to resignify education

Interface (Botucatu, Online); 23 (supl.1), 2019
ABSTRACT The new National Curriculum Guidelines aim at restructuring and adapting medical curricula. The objective is to conduct a critical-reflective analysis of the restructure of a medical course's curricular matrix. This action research was conducted at a Brazilian federal university. The material wa...

Online health forum as a support for people who perform intermittent vesical catheterization

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the use of an online forum for people with myelomeningocele and their families and the profile of the users, based on intermittent catheterization. Method: a quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive and exploratory study. Data was collected from users of the online f...

A atuação do enfermeiro em ações educativas com pré-escolares e escolares na atenção básica
The nurse’s activities in educational actions with preschoolers and schoolchildren in basic health care

Rev. Salusvita (Online); 38 (1), 2019
Introdução: no Brasil, uma das atribuições dos (as) enfermeiros (as), no âmbito da atenção básica, é desenvolver ações de educação em saúde em diferentes ambientes, por meio da interação com indivíduos e populações, ajudando a construir hábitos saudáveis e, com isso, a reduzir riscos...

Validação de um manual de brinquedos e brincadeiras para estimulação do desenvolvimento de crianças com deficiência auditiva: descrição de um processo
Validation of a manual of toys and games to stimulate the development of children with hearing loss: a description of a process

Rev. Salusvita (Online); 38 (2), 2019
Introdução: uma superfície polida aumenta a resistência, a compressão, a corrosão e as fraturas marginais do amálgama. Objetivo: o presente estudo avalia a eficácia de quatro técnicas de polimento em restaurações de amálgama quanto à capacidade de promover lisura superficial nas mesmas, e se...

Dislipidemia familiar e fatores associados a alterações no perfil lipídico em crianças

Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é avaliar a prevalência de dislipidemia e os fatores associados em crianças de 4 a 7 anos de idade. Estudo transversal, realizado com 402 crianças de 4 a 7 anos de idade, acompanhadas por um Programa de Apoio a Lactação nos primeiros seis meses de vida. Foram dosados ...

Creation and validation of a health guidance booklet for family members of children with sickle cell disease

ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to elaborate a booklet for health follow-up and guidance on sickle cell disease for relatives of children with this disease and validate it. It is a methodological study, conducted from May 2017 to February 2018, of the elaboration and validation of an educational techn...

Health education practices of poisoning prevention for child in Family Health Strategy

Abstract Objective: To analyze health education practices developed by health professionals of the Family Health Strategy team in the context of childhood poisoning. Method: Qualitative research, carried out during the months of July and August 2016, with 50 health professionals from nine Family Health...

Creative and sensitive production of care-educational technology for families of children with gastrostomy

Abstract Objective: To describe the production process of a care-educational technology for families of children with gastrostomy based on the models of Hildegard Peplau and Paulo Freire. Method: Descriptive and qualitative research, carried out from October 2016 to February 2017 in three health units ...