Results: 14562

Life expectancy without depression increases among Brazilian older adults

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate life expectancy with and without depressive symptoms in older adults for the years 2000 and 2010. METHODS We evaluated individuals aged 60 years or older (n = 1,862 in 2000 and n = 1,280 in 2010), participants of the Saúde, Bem-Estar e Envelhecimento (SABE - Health, We...

Access to medicines in Brazil based on monetary and non-monetary acquisition data obtained from the 2008/2009 Household Budget Survey

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To investigate the access to medicines by Brazilian families by monetary and non-monetary acquisition data. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study based on data obtained from the 2008/2009 Brazilian Household Budget Survey. The units of assessment were households that participated...

Factors associated with the use of antihypertensives among seniors

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Analyze the use of antihypertensives among seniors and the association with socioeconomic and behavioral characteristics. METHODS In this seriate cross-sectional study, we used data from the Saúde, Bem Estar e Envelhecimento study (SABE - Health, Well-being, and Aging), conducted ...

Late presentation to HIV/AIDS care in Brazil among men who self-identify as heterosexual

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the factors associated with late presentation to HIV/AIDS services among heterosexual men. METHODS Men infected by HIV who self-identified as heterosexual (n = 543) were included in the study. Descriptive, biivariate and logistic regression analyses were performed to eva...

Primary health care: care coordinator in regionalized networks?

RESUMO OBJECTIVE To analyze the breadth of care coordination by Primary Health Care in three health regions. METHODS This is a quantitative and qualitative case study. Thirty-one semi-structured interviews with municipal, regional and state managers were carried out, besides a cross-sectional survey ...

Socioeconomic, hygienic, and sanitation factors in reducing diarrhea in the Amazon

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the contributions of the socioeconomic, hygienic, and sanitation improvements in reducing the prevalence of diarrhea in a city of the Amazon. METHODS In this population-based cross-sectional study, we analyzed data from surveys conducted in the city of Jordão, Acre. In ...

Severity of malocclusion in adolescents: populational-based study in the north of Minas Gerais, Brazil

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To identify the factors associated with severity of malocclusion in a population of adolescents. METHODS In this cross-sectional population-based study, the sample size (n = 761) was calculated considering a prevalence of malocclusion of 50.0%, with a 95% confidence level and a 5.0...

Does the incremental shuttle walk test require maximal effort in young obese women?

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 49 (8), 2016
Obesity is a chronic disease with a multifaceted treatment approach that includes nutritional counseling, structured exercise training, and increased daily physical activity. Increased body mass elicits higher cardiovascular, ventilatory and metabolic demands to varying degrees during exercise. With func...

Factores de riesgo del comportamiento y preparación de aficionados inscritos a carreras atléticas de fondo de 18 a 64 años en Bogotá, Colombia, 2014

La participación en carreras atléticas de calle ha aumentado; esto requiere detectar riesgos previos al esfuerzo físico. El objetivo fue identificar factores de riesgo del comportamiento y preparación física de inscritos a una carrera. Estudio transversal en aficionados de 18-64 años. Encuesta digi...

Acesso a medicamentos para tratamento de condições agudas prescritos a adultos nas regiões Sul e Nordeste do Brasil

Estudo transversal no âmbito do Projeto de Expansão e Consolidação Saúde da Família de 2005, com o objetivo de avaliar o acesso total e gratuito a medicamentos prescritos na última consulta médica, para problemas agudos de saúde, e estimar quanto o acesso pode ter melhorado com a inclusão dos m...