Results: 309

Abordajes singulares en Salud Mental. Desafíos y potencias de lo grupal en virtualidad

Este trabajo relata una experiencia de acompañamiento grupal a un equipo de trabajadorxs estatales del sector público de salud, en el marco del programa “Cuidar a los que Cuidan”, dispositivo implementado por la Subsecretaría de Salud Mental, Consumos Problemáticos y Violencias en contexto de ASP...

Prevalence of burnout syndrome and perception by playing position in professional football players

Motriz (Online); 27 (), 2021
Abstract Aim: The present study aimed to investigate the indicators of burnout, to determine whether playing position affects the perception of syndrome dimensions, and to identify burnout prevalence in professional football players. Methods: The participants were 100 professional football players (mea...

Fatiga por compasión y agotamiento profesional en personal de salud ante el duelo y muerte en contextos hospitalarios

Saúde Soc; 30 (3), 2021
Resumen Este artículo pretende identificar y analizar en la literatura la producción relacionada con la fatiga por compasión y el agotamiento psicológico presente en el personal sanitario que brinda atención y cuidado a personas durante los procesos de muerte y duelo de pacientes y sus familiares, r...

Intervening variables of Burnout in health professionals of emergency services

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the association between Burnout, stress, mental suffering and other personal and work factors associated with this syndrome. Method: cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study with 282 health professionals from the emergency services of the city of Ribeirão Pr...

Burnout Syndrome and Consumption of Alcohol and Illicit Substances in University Students

Abstract The consumption of alcohol and illicit substances has shown alarming levels among young university students, and its use may be associated with the coping strategy of academic burnout. This review aimed to synthesize the scientific evidence related to the consumption of alcohol and illicit subst...

Burnout inventory for referees (bir): psychometric properties for brazilian soccer referees

ABSTRACT The objective of the study is to analyze the psychometric measurements of the Burnout Inventory for Referees (BIR) offering validity evidence of the instrument through the analysis of its internal structure, estimating reliability indicators and comparing the total score of Burnout in referees a...

Fluxo do esgotamento: interrogando o processo de produção do tempo/cansaço no internato médico

Rev. bras. educ. méd; 45 (1), 2021
Resumo: Introdução: A síndrome de burnout causa repercussão com impactos individuais, sociais e econômicos. A tríade que representa a síndrome acomete milhões de trabalhadores pelo mundo, incluindo os trabalhadores da área da saúde e, entre eles, os médicos. Pesquisas apontam um incremento da...

Confirmatory factorial analysis of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey in health professionals in emergency services

Objective: to confirm the factorial validity of the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Human Services Survey version in a sample of health professionals from the emergency services. Method: a quantitative, exploratory, descriptive and analytical study. Two hundred and eighty-two health professionals participat...

Work and Common Mental Disorders in Private Education Teachers: Theoretical Model

Abstract The teaching category is among the professions that most fall ill. The objective was to propose a theoretical model that explains the relationship between work context, experiences of pleasure and suffering, and common mental disorders. Data collection was online in a sample of 740 private educa...

Riesgo psicosocial intralaboral y síndrome de desgaste profesional en psiquiatras de una clínica de Antioquia (Colombia) en el 2020: serie de casos

Introducción: El síndrome de desgaste profesional es un conjunto de signos y síntomas ocasionado por trabajo, fatiga emocio-nal, despersonalización y disminución del sentido de logros personales: por lo cual en este artículo se describen las característi-cas demográficas, los riesgos psicosociale...