Results: 177

Doutorado sanduíche como estratégia de internacionalização do conhecimento da enfermagem

Ciênc. cuid. saúde; 13 (4), 2014
In recent times, the need for qualified education at PhD level has called attention to the indicators of knowledge internationalization. The goal is to discuss, through an experience report, sandwich doctorate programs as a strategy for the internationalization of nursing knowledge. ...

Predictive equations for respiratory muscle strength according to international and Brazilian guidelines

Background: The maximum static respiratory pressures, namely the maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP) and maximum expiratory pressure (MEP), reflect the strength of the respiratory muscles. These measures are simple, non-invasive, and have established diagnostic and prognostic value. This study is the firs...

Las nuevas realddades del bios/zoe del cuerpo, entre la bioética y la biopolítica

Rev. latinoam. bioét; 14 (1), 2014
El texto propone la consideración de las profundas transformaciones contemporáneas del bios/zoé y las consecuencias que tienen para el debate bioético y biopolítico, donde adquiere una especial relevancia el cuerpo. Estamos asistiendo a un giro ontológico profundo en nuestro relacionamiento con la ...

Evidences to validate public policies: a review with an international research perspective

Salud pública Méx; 56 (supl.2), 2014
Nutrition and related health issues are nowadays topics of general interest. The prevalence of overweight and obesity has increased with alarming speed over the past twenty years, being described by the World Health Organization as a global epidemic. An evidence-based approach to public health interventi...