Results: 237

Drug use during pregnancy and its consequences: A nested case control study on severe maternal morbidity

Abstract Objective To assess the relationship between the use of psychoactive substances during pregnancy and the occurrence of severe maternal morbidity (SMM), perinatal outcomes and repercussions on the neuropsychomotor development of exposed children. Methods A case-control study nested within a c...

Clinical features of carriers of reciprocal chromosomal translocations involving chromosome 2: report of nine cases and review of the literature

Int. braz. j. urol; 44 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the clinical features of carriers of chromosome 2 translocations, enabling informed genetic counseling of these patients. Materials and Methods: Eighty-two male carriers of a translocation who were infertile or receiving fertility counseling were recruited. Cytogenetic an...

Oclusión temporal de la aorta abdominal mediante el uso de balón intraarterial en acretismo placentario: reporte de un caso
Temporal occlusion of the abdominal aorta using an intra-arterial balloon in the placental accreta: a case report

RESUMEN El acretismo placentario es una enfermedad caracterizada por una inserción anómala de la placenta en la pared uterina. La oclusión infra renal de la aorta abdominal es un procedimiento innovador usado para disminuir el flujo vascular a la pelvis y lograr un mejor control del sangrado. Nosotros...

Enfermedad de Gaucher, diagnostico en el embarazo, reporte de caso y consideraciones de su tratamiento en Colombia
Gaucher disease, diagnosis in pregnancy, report case study and considerations of its treatment in Colombia

RESUMEN Introducción y Objetivo: La enfermedad de Gaucher es una condición autosómica recesiva de baja prevalencia, de difícil diagnóstico y manejo, especialmente en embarazo. Reportamos una gestante con enfermedad de Gaucher manejada desde la semana 15,3 hasta el término del embarazo con Taligluc...

Laparoscopic approach to pheochromocytoma in pregnancy: case report

Int. braz. j. urol; 44 (3), 2018
ABSTRACT A 32-year-old 22-week pregnant hypertensive woman with sporadic episodes of headaches, sweating, and facial flushing was diagnosed with pheochromocytoma through biochemical and imaging tests. Perioperative management included a multidisciplinary approach, symptom stabilization with α blocka...

Hematoma subcapsular hepático roto en síndrome HELLP

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (6), 2018
Background: Ruptured subscapular liver hematoma in context of HELLP syndrome is a rare complication with high mortality. Clinical presentation is nonspecific: epigastric pain, right upper quadrant pain and shoulder pain, should however provide high index of suspicion. Termination of pregnancy is the only...

Maternal hypothyroxinemia in the first trimester of gestation and association with obstetric and neonatal outcomes and iron deficiency: a prospective Brazilian study

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the association of isolated hypothyroxinemia in the first trimester with obstetric and neonatal outcomes and iron deficiency. Subjects and methods: The study was prospective. Women who had become pregnant spontaneously were initially selected. Next, anti-thyroid peroxida...

Aplasia medular adquirida y embarazo. caso clínico

Rev. méd. Chile; 146 (3), 2018
Aplastic anemia (AA) or acquired aplastic anemia is an uncommon and potentially fatal disease. It is defined as reduction of at least two peripheral blood series, associated with persistent bone marrow hypocellularity. It's association with pregnancy is even more uncommon, and it may result in high morta...

Análise dos casos de sífilis gestacional e congênita nos anos de 2008 a 2010 em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil

Resumo O presente estudo analisa os casos notificados de sífilis em gestantes e os possíveis desfechos para o feto e o recém-nascido em Fortaleza, Ceará. Estudo transversal que analisou 175 casos notificados de sífilis em gestantes, pareados com as correspondentes notificações de sífilis congêni...