Results: 578

Life Satisfaction, Affects at School and Depression Symptoms among Adolescents

Abstract The literature indicates that life satisfaction has a direct effect on depression symptoms. For better understanding depression in adolescence, this research examined the relation between life satisfaction and depression symptoms among Brazilian adolescents, and verified the direct effects of po...

Does Accessed Content Matter? Social Media and Body (Dis)satisfaction: A Moderation Analysis

Abstract The type of content accessed on social networks may negatively affect body image. The objective of the study is to identify in the relationship between the frequency of use of social networks (Freq. SM) and body (dis)satisfaction, the moderating role of following physical appearance focused page...

Work as Meaning Inventory: Psychometric Properties and Additional Evidence of the Brazilian Version

Abstract Meaningful work promotes the professional development of individuals and organizations. This study aimed to translate, adapt, and present additional evidence of the validity of the Work as Meaning Inventory - WAMI for the Brazilian population. It addressed 2,111 workers (67% women) aged between ...

A social cognitive perspective on occupational identity development in college students

Psicol. reflex. crit; 35 (), 2022
Occupational identity is a central concept of career development, by providing a sense of direction and meaning across career development. This study aimed to examine how this concept can be associated with career processes through model formed by a set of socio-cognitive factors. The participants were 3...

O que é bem-estar subjetivo? análise crítica do artigo subjective well-being de ed diener

Psicol. soc. (Online); 34 (), 2022
Resumo: O artigo de Ed Diener "Bem-Estar Subjetivo", fundamental para a consolidação desse objeto na Psicologia Positiva, foi analisado criticamente em sua consistência interna e em sua influência para essa nova área. Cada bloco textual do artigo foi avaliado quanto a sua fragilidade segundo três c...

Relacionamento conjugal e suas relações com parentalidade, habilidades sociais e problemas de comportamento dos filhos

Psico (Porto Alegre); 53 (1), 2022
O relacionamento conjugal satisfatório depende de múltiplas variáveis, incluindo a própria interação conjugal, parentalidade e comportamentos infantis. O estudo simultâneo dessas medidas ainda é escasso na literatura. Objetivou-se verificar a influência da parentalidade (positiva e negativa) e d...

Satisfaction of caregivers and older adults who use the Better at Home Program

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Evaluate the satisfaction of caregivers and older adults who use the home care service provided by the Better at Home Program (Programa Melhor em Casa) and its associated factors. METHODS This is a cross-sectional study with data from the national survey on the Better at Home Progr...

Workaholism and burnout among stricto sensu graduate professors

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the association of excessive work and compulsive work with the dimensions of the burnout syndrome in masters and doctoral professors of Languages, Literature, and Linguistics in Brazil. METHODS Cross-sectional study carried out with 585 permanent professors of stricto sens...

Percepção da sensação subjetiva de bem-estar geral em sujeitos tratados com homeopatia: uma abordagem qualitativa

Durante o tratamento homeopático a melhora costuma ser identificada a partir de uma sensação inespecífica de bem-estar, denominada Sensação Subjetiva de Bem-Estar Geral (SSBEG). Este estudo qualitativo buscou compreender como sujeitos tratados com homeopatia percebem a SSBEG a partir de uma compree...

Del discurso capitalista al neoliberalismo: apuntes sobre la producción del sujeto

Las economías globalizadas de mercado conllevan consecuencias de inequidad social basadas en la privatización de sectores laborales y productivos donde los sujetos se involucran en modos singulares de concebirse y construir la realidad. Propone el psicoanálisis lacaniano que el discurso capitalista de...