LILACS – Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ciencias de la Salud | LILACS

Results: 14557

The burden of HIV infection among women attending antenatal clinic in a semi-urban Nigerian town

West Indian med. j; 62 (4), 2013
BACKGROUND: Stable heterosexual relationships are a major determinant of the HIV epidemic and seroprevalence rate of HIV amongst antenatal women is a reflection of what is happening in the larger society. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to determine the HIV seroprevalence rate and to identify factors respons...

Knowledge, attitudes and behaviours related to HIV/AIDS among female migrant workers in the restaurant industry in Guangzhou, China

West Indian med. j; 62 (4), 2013
OBJECTIVE: The goal of the present study was to assess knowledge and attitudes related to HIV/AIDS among the migrant female workers in the restaurant industry in Guangzhou City, China. METHODS: We performed a questionnaire survey using a judgmental sampling method in the health examination clinic of Yuex...

Psychological distress and substance abuse in Jamaican youths living with HIV/AIDS

West Indian med. j; 62 (4), 2013
OBJECTIVE: Current epidemiological research indicates that HIV/AIDS endures and continues to be a significant vulnerability among adolescents and youths despite the increased access to antiretroviral drugs and the reduction in the global progression of the disease. This study examined the association bet...

Insatisfacción de la imagen corporal y rasgos físicos relacionados: estudio en una muestra de mujeres universitarias
Dissatisfaction of body image and related physical traits: study in a sample of university women

VozAndes; 24 (1-2), 2013
La imagen corporal es la concepción que los individuos tienen de sus propios cuerpos. Esta percepción es un determinante importante de la autoestima y se encuentra influenciada por factores psicológicos, fsonómicos y antropométricos. La insatisfacción de la imagen corporal suele estar condicionada...

Physical violence against patients with mental disorders in Brazil: sex differences in a cross-sectional study

OBJECTIVES: Patients with mental illness are more exposed to violence than the general population. This study assessed factors associated with lifetime physical violence against these patients stratified by sex in Brazil. METHODS: This is a National cross-sectional multicenter study with a representative...

Are patients with panic disorder respiratory subtype more vulnerable to tobacco, alcohol or illicit drug use?

BACKGROUND: Studies have documented high use of tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs in patients with panic disorder (PD). The comorbid substance use disorders worsen the prognosis of mood and anxiety disorders. The respiratory subtype (RS) of PD seems to represent a more severe and distinct form of this d...

Perfil e gastos dos pacientes dislipidêmicos usuários do componente especializado da assistência farmacêutica do Sistema Único de Saúde

Physis (Rio J.); 23 (4), 2013
As dislipidemias são um importante problema de saúde pública, e as terapias medicamentosas para seu controle são consideradas de alto custo, em razão de seu uso contínuo. Este artigo descreve os gastos e o perfil demográfico e epidemiológico dos pacientes atendidos pelo Componente Especializado d...

A percepção emocional do cuidador familiar frente à técnica do cateterismo intermitente limpo na mielomeningocele

Acta fisiátrica; 19 (4), 2012
Os cuidados do trato urinário necessários à criança com mielomeningocele demandam auxílio constante de um cuidador, que frequentemente é um membro da família e que por vezes vivencia dúvidas, angústias e dificuldades com relação à técnica do cateterismo intermitente limpo que se faz necessá...

Capacidade funcional do idoso frequentador do Programa Saúde da Família do bairro Viveiros do município de Feira de Santana, Bahia

Acta fisiátrica; 19 (4), 2012
Com o avançar da idade, as perdas funcionais tornam-se evidentes e o idoso vai deixando de realizar atividades básicas de vida, diminuindo assim sua capacidade funcional que é dimensionada em termos de habilidade e independência para realizar determinadas atividades diárias. Objetivo: Verificar o nÃ...

Characterization of motorcycle accident victims attended by the mobile emergency service (SAMU-192), Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil

Acta sci., Health sci; 34 (ed. esp), 2012
This study described the epidemiological characteristics of victims of accidents involving motorcycles, attended by the Mobile Emergency Service (SAMU- 192) in the city of Recife (PE) in 2006. This is a descriptive cross-sectional study that analyzed a sample of 703 cases. The results showed that 81.8% w...