Results: 358

Cultivation of Pichia pastoris carrying the scFv anti LDL (-) antibody fragment. Effect of preculture carbon source

Braz. j. microbiol; 48 (3), 2017
Abstract Antibodies and antibody fragments are nowadays among the most important biotechnological products, and Pichia pastoris is one of the most important vectors to produce them as well as other recombinant proteins. The conditions to effectively cultivate a P. pastoris strain previously genetically m...

Cambios en la frecuencia de infección por Helicobacter pylori en niños guatemaltecos durante 10 años

Cienc. tecnol. salud; 4 (1), 2017
Se determinó la frecuencia de anticuerpos IgG anti-Helicobacter pylori a 302 niños de cuatro centros de atención integral (CAI) y se realizó un análisis comparativo con las reportadas en dos estudios del 2002 para establecer cambios en la frecuencia durante el período (2002-2012). La determinación...

Clinical and cerebrospinal fluid findings contribute to the early differentiation between infectious and noninfectious encephalitis

Medicina (B.Aires); 77 (3), 2017
Early recognition and prompt specific treatment are crucial factors influencing the outcome of patients with acute encephalitis. The aim of this study was to determine the main causes of acute encephalitis in our population and to find predictors that may lead to specific diagnosis. Adult patients admitt...

Tristeza Parasitária em bovinos do semiárido pernambucano

Pesqui. vet. bras; 37 (1), 2017
Este estudo objetivou determinar a soroprevalência da Babesiose e Anaplasmose em bovinos dos municípios de Ouricuri e Petrolina, estado de Pernambuco, Brasil; e definir os possíveis fatores de risco para a ocorrência dessas doenças. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas para realização de teste sorol...

Frequência de anticorposs para arenavirus em roedores silvestres capturados nas regiões centro-oeste, sudeste e sul do Brasil

As febres hemorrágicas virais causadas por arenavirus são zoonoses emergentes e graves . Os humanos são acidentalmente infectado s principalmente pela exposição da mucosa a aerossóis formados a partir de excretas de roedores reservatórios. Nos reservatórios, a presença de anticorpos pode indicar...

Alpha-type phospholipase A2 inhibitors from snake blood

It is of popular and scientific knowledge that toxins from snake venom (among them the PLA2 and myotoxins) are neutralized by various compounds, such as antibodies and proteins purified from animal blood. Venomous and nonvenomous snakes have PLA2 inhibitory proteins, called PLIs, in their blood serum. On...

Preparation and neutralization efficacy of IgY antibodies raised against Deinagkistrodon acutus venom

Background The five-paced pit viper (Deinagkistrodon acutus), endemic to China and northern Vietnam, is responsible for most snakebites in the Chinese territory. Antivenom produced from horses is the main treatment for snakebites, but it may cause numerous clinical side effects and have other disadvanta...

Can anti-bothropstoxin-I antibodies discriminate between Bothrops jararaca and Bothrops jararacussu venoms?

Background Snakes of the genus Bothrops, popularly known as pit vipers, are responsible for most cases of snakebite in Brazil. Within this genus, Bothrops jararacussu and B. jararaca deserve special attention due to the severity of their bites and for inhabiting densely populated areas. Regarding the tr...

Encefalitis autoinmune por anticuerpos contra el receptor GABA-A: caso clínico

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (11), 2016
Among autoimmune encephalitides, a prevalent group are those associated with antibodies against the N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor, which present with behavior abnormalities, psychosis, seizures and abnormal movements. A new variant, mediated by antibodies against the GABA-A receptor, was recen­tly descr...

Frecuencia de anticuerpos contra el virus de la hepatitis E en donantes de sangre del municipio de Yarumal, Antioquia

Introducción: el virus de la Hepatitis E (VHE), transmitido por la ruta fecal-oral, causa enfermedad hepática aguda. En Colombia se han realizado algunos estudios en pacientes con diagnóstico de hepatitis viral, en trabajadores de fincas porcícolas, en población porcina y en muestras ambientales. Ob...