Results: 475

Theoretical, methodological and analytical aspects of ethnographic research in obstetric nursing: an integrative review

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 54 (), 2020
Abstract Objective: To characterize ethnographic research in the area of obstetric nursing regarding its theoretical, methodological and analytical aspects. Method: An integrative review performed in the MEDLINE®, LILACS, BDENF and CINAHL databases, as well as the SciELO virtual library. Results: ...

Raça não é patológica, mas o racismo é

Objetivos Fornecer uma breve história da variável raça, discutir o uso incorreto da raça como uma construção biológica em vez de social e suas implicações para a prática da enfermagem e, sugerir o racismo como determinante primário da saúde entre as pessoas de ascendência africana. Método...

Diagnósticos de enfermagem em pessoas soropositivas pelo vírus linfotrópico t humano

Objetivo identificar diagnósticos de enfermagem em pessoas sintomáticas e soropositivas para o vírus linfotrópico T humano. Método pesquisa documental, realizada nos prontuários de pessoas soropositivas para o vírus linfotrópico T humano, cadastradas no Centro de Testagem e Aconselhamento de u...

Atividades de enfermagem que contribuem para a qualidade dos cuidados: análise fatorial confirmatória da escala

Objetivo: analisar a estrutura fatorial da Escala de Percepção das Atividades de Enfermagem que Contribuem para a Qualidade dos Cuidados. Método: estudo metodológico com participação de 3.451 enfermeiros de 36 hospitais portugueses. Além da realização da análise fatorial confirmatória, para a...

Using the instructional therapeutic play during admission of children to hospital: the perception of the family

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand, from the family's perspective, the meaning of admitting the child in the hospital with the use of the instructional therapeutic play. Method: A phenomenological research with 12 families of children aged four to nine years old, recently admitted to a public and teachi...

Nursing work in assisted human reproduction: between technology and humanization

ABSTRACT Objectives: To analyze the social representations of nurses who work with assisted human reproduction about the operation with reproductive biotechnologies. Methods: Qualitative approach, supported by the Theory of Social Representations, with sixteen participants. Individual, semi-structured...

Nursing care provided to persons deprived of liberty in the hospital environment

ABSTRACT Objectives: To describe the nursing care provided to people deprived of liberty (PDL) in the hospital environment. Methods: An exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach, conducted with 38 nursing professionals in three regional hospitals located in the Northeast of Brazil, betw...

Permission for departing: spiritual nursing care in human finitude

ABSTRACT Objectives: To reflect on teaching experience in the application of the spiritual nursing care called permission for departing. Methods: It is a methodological reflection and description of a subtle technology for spiritual nursing care called permission for departing. Results: the permission...

Nursing care in mental health based on the TIDAL MODEL: an integrative review

ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify the applicability of the Phil Barker's Tidal Model in mental health nursing care. Methods: an integrative literature review carried out by LILACS, MEDLINE, Scopus and Web of Science. Data were collected from December 2017 to March 2018. After selecting the studies, the ...