Results: 517

Inmunoglobulinas en la Etiopatogenia del Liquen Plano Oral; La Evidencia Carece de Confiabilidad: revisión Sistemática Exploratoria

El liquen plano oral es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica mucocutánea, de etiología desconocida y se asocia principalmente a una respuesta de inmunidad celular. En los años 70, se comienza a involucrar a las inmunoglobulinas en la etiopatogenia de la enfermedad y hasta la fecha la evidencia cientí...

The structure of qualitative studies: a bibliometric pattern of biomedical literature

Ciênc. Saúde Colet; 26 (8), 2021
Abstract The lack of knowledge in the biomedical literature regarding the validity of qualitative studies might be related to the lower number of qualitative studies that have been published. The criticisms range from a lack of theoretical depth to the superficial discussions of empirical findings. The a...

Development of a University Research Management Policy Applied to the Faculty of Dentistry

ABSTRACT: Universities are immersed in a globalized world with new knowledge and technologies. This requires to focus their objectives to meet society's demands. Advanced human capital has to be capable of strategic planning which is key to university development and must be aimed at educational excellen...

Trends of the main bibliometric indicators of Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia (2010-2019)

An. bras. dermatol; 96 (3), 2021
Abstract Background: The Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia (Anais Brasileiros de Dermatologia) is the official journal of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, which has been published since 1925, with free, bilingual access. There are several bibliometric indicators that estimate aspects of a journal's...

Estudo descritivo sobre instrumentos de avaliação de linguagem oral publicados nos periódicos fonoaudiológicos brasileiros

Distúrb. comun; 33 (2), 2021
Objetivo: descrever instrumentos fonoaudiológicos de avaliação de linguagem oral publicados em periódicos brasileiros e analisar procedimentos de validação utilizados. Método: Casuística: publicações de todos os volumes dos periódicos Audiology Communication Research, Revista CEFAC, Revista Di...

Respuesta a Carta al Editor: Observaciones y recomendaciones al estudio: Revistas Publindex de Ciencias Naturales: retos y perspectivas desde la bibliometría
Response to Letter to the Editor: Observations and recommendations to the study: Publindex magazines of Natural Sciences: challenges and perspectives from the bibliometrics

NOVA publ. cient; 19 (36), 2021