Results: 729

Evaluation of Lipid Profiles of Children and Youth from Basic Health Units in Campinas, SP, Brazil: A Cross-Sectional Laboratory Study

Arq. bras. cardiol; 114 (1), 2020
Abstract Background: Among dyslipidemias, hypercholesterolemia is considered the main risk factor for cardiovascular diseases in adults. In childhood and adolescence, elevated total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) are positively associated with atherosclerosis markers, h...

Association between cognitive impairment and criteria for frailty syndrome among older adults

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 78 (1), 2020
Abstract The association between cognitive impairment and physical frailty has been studied in older adults. The criteria degree of frailty may be keys to associated cognitive impairment. Objective: To analyze the association between cognitive impairment and the criteria for frailty. Methods: We cros...

30 Years of Experience with Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in Children and Adolescents: a retrospective cohort study

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE Describe the clinical and demographic characteristics of pediatric patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) enrolled in a tertiary unit of Pediatric Hematology between 1982-2015. PATIENTS AND METHODS A retrospective cohort study of 140 patients aged 16 years or less with NHL. Demo...

Evaluation of adult celiac disease from a tertiary reference center: a retrospective analysis

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE It has been observed that celiac disease (CD) is not restricted to a single type characterized by diarrhea but also has atypical, asymptomatic (silent), and latent forms. The prevalence of this autoimmune disease, which affects approximately 1% of the world, is estimated to be around ...

Distribución etaria, antecedentes familiares y estadio del cáncer de mama en mujeres asistidas en hospitales públicos en Córdoba: 2004 - 2010

INTRODUCCIÓN: El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la edad de la mujer al momento del diagnóstico de cáncer de mama, el estadio del mismo y los antecedentes familiares de cáncer de mama en las mujeres que consultaron en el ámbito público de la Ciudad de Córdoba durante el período 2004-20...

Caracterização do escape posterior tardio na deglutição

CoDAS; 32 (4), 2020
RESUMO Objetivo Descrever e caracterizar um achado, o escape posterior tardio de resíduo alimentar na deglutição, segundo idade, gênero e consistência do alimento, que ocorreu no evento. Método A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da análise de cada exame de videonasoendoscopia funcional da deglut...

Suicidal ideation and associated factors among high school adolescents

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the prevalence of suicidal ideation and its associated factors in school adolescents. METHODS Cross-sectional school-based study with 674 students from public and private schools in Teresina, Piauí, in 2016. Bivariate analysis was performed with the chi-square test and ...

Knowledge of and attitudes toward COVID-19 among parents of child dental patients during the outbreak

Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of and attitudes toward coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) among the parents of child dental patients in Shenzhen during the outbreak. A structured questionnaire containing 10 questions was used, and each question had 2 or 3 possible answers....

Sobrepeso e obesidade associados à pressão arterial elevada: um estudo seccional em escolares brasileiros

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 54 (), 2020
RESUMO Objetivo: Verificar associação entre sobrepeso, obesidade e pressão arterial elevada em escolares brasileiros com idade entre 6 e 10 anos incompletos. Método: Estudo seccional realizado no município de Macaé, RJ, em que foi coletado massa corporal, estatura e pressão arterial. O índice d...

Explosão da mortalidade no epicentro amazônico da epidemia de COVID-19

Manaus, capital do estado brasileiro do Amazonas, é o atual epicentro da epidemia na Amazônia com um aumento repentino de mortes que preocupa gestores e sociedade. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar o excesso na mortalidade geral, segundo Semanas Epidemiológicas (SE), visando a identificar mudanças po...