Results: 299

Origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda a partir de la arteria pulmonar
Anomalous origin of left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery

Rev. cuba. pediatr; 92 (2), 2020
Introducción: El origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria izquierda que nace en la arteria pulmonar, conocido como síndrome de Bland, White y Garland, es una enfermedad cardiaca congénita, de baja incidencia, espectro clínico variable y no es exclusiva de la edad pediátrica. Tiene una alta mortalida...

Focused cardiac ultrasound in anesthetic practice: technique and indications

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 70 (3), 2020
Abstract The use of ultrasonography is well established in several anesthesia sub-specialties. Recently, there has been a major expansion of the POC (Point-Of-Care) ultrasound technique in intensive care, surgery, and emergency medicine, corroborating that USPOC in perioperative medicine has a much more ...

Efeitos ecocardiográficos da adesão a exercícios físicos em idosos: resultados da coorte AGA@4life

INTRODUÇÃO: O envelhecimento associa-se a alterações na estrutura e função do coração, havendo benefícios da prática de exercício físico no retardamento dessas alterações. OBJETIVOS: Caracterizar as alterações ecocardiográficas de uma população idosa submetida à intervenção multidis...

Hemodynamic profiles related to circulatory shock in cardiac care units

Arch. cardiol. Méx; 90 (1), 2020
Abstract One-third of the population in intensive care units is in a state of circulatory shock, whose rapid recognition and mechanism differentiation are of great importance. The clinical context and physical examination are of great value, but in complex situations as in cardiac care units, it is manda...

Evaluation of left atrial function in asymptomatic dogs with chronic myxomatous mitral valve disease: two-dimensional feature-tracking echocardiography and Simpsons monoplanar methods

Pesqui. vet. bras; 40 (3), 2020
The present study evaluated the volume and function of the left atrium by two-dimensional echocardiographic feature-tracking imaging (2D-FTI) and Simpson’s monoplanar modeling in dogs with asymptomatic degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD). The study consisted of 80 dogs that were divided into the f...

Coarctation of The Aorta: A Case-Series from a Tertiary Care Hospital

Abstract Background: Coarctation of the aorta is a congenital segmental narrowing of the aortic arch with severe hemodynamic repercussions and increased cardiovascular mortality. Early surgical correction and life-time echocardiographic follow-up must be performed to improve prognosis. However, this goa...

Modificaciones anatómicas del ventrículo izquierdo en deportistas de canotaje de alto rendimiento
Anatomical modifications of the left ventricle in high performance canoeing athletes

Introducción: La adaptación del corazón humano al acondicionamiento físico ha sido un tema de interés médico-científico, pues el remodelado cardíaco que comprende variación en el tamaño, forma, grosor de las paredes, y masa ventricular responde al tipo de actividad física. Objetivo: Determi...

Avaliação do ventrículo esquerdo em pacientes com DPOC e hipoxemia noturna

J. bras. pneumol; 46 (6), 2020
RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a associação entre massa e espessura do ventrículo esquerdo (VE) e presença de hipoxemia noturna significativa em pacientes portadores de DPOC com hipoxemia diurna leve. Métodos Estudo transversal realizado em pacientes ambulatoriais, clinicamente estáveis, portadores de...