Results: 415

Cost of territorial maintenance by Parodon nasus (Osteichthyes: Parodontidae) in a Neotropical stream

Neotrop. ichthyol; 7 (4), 2009
The combined demand over a certain resource may exceed its immediate supply, which can then lead to competition between individuals. This competition may result in territorial behavior. In this study we determine the density and spatial distribution, describe the interactions arising from territorial beh...

Bioecology and chemical diversity of abdominal glands in the iranian samsum ant Pachycondyla sennaarensis (Formicidae: Ponerinae)

The genus Pachycondyla is a large group of ants in the Ponerini tribe, known mostly from tropical and subtropical regions. Pachycondyla sennaarensis, the so-called Samsum ant in the Middle East, is distributed throughout the African tropics, Arabian Peninsula and Iran, where it is responsible for many ca...

The ichthyofauna of upper rio Capivari: defining conservation strategies based on the composition and distribution of fish species

Neotrop. ichthyol; 7 (4), 2009
Although the rio Capivari basin is recognized as an area of great importance for the ichthyofauna, it lacks virtually every basic requirement for the definition of appropriate conservation strategies, since not even its species composition is known. The objective of this work is to determine the composit...

Efeito da exploração madeireira sobre o número de indivíduos férteis de três espécies arbóreas comerciais na Amazônia oriental
Effects of logging on the number of fertile individuals of three commercial tree species in Eastern Amazonia

Acta amaz; 38 (4), 2008
Estudos da ecologia reprodutiva de árvores são fundamentais para compreender os possíveis impactos da exploração madeireira e para subsidiar o aperfeiçoamento das práticas de manejo. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram: 1) estimar a proporção e o número de indivíduos reprodutivos por classe de d...

Sete motivações teóricas para o uso da modelagem baseada no indivíduo em ecologia
Seven theoretical reasons for using individual-based modeling in Ecology

Acta amaz; 37 (3), 2007
A modelagem baseada no indivíduo tem sido crescentemente empregada para analisar processos ecológicos, desenvolver e avaliar teorias, bem como para fins de manejo da vida silvestre e conservação. Os modelos baseados no indivíduo (MBI) são bastante flexíveis, permitem o uso detalhado de parâmetros...

Plantas, suelos y paisajes: ordenamientos de la naturaleza por los indígenas Miraña de la Amazonía colombiana
Plants, soils and landscapes: sorting of nature by the Miraña Indians of Colombian Amazon

Acta amaz; 37 (4), 2007
Con base en información obtenida sobre los nombres de todas las plantas con DAP > 2.5 cm (Diámetro a la Altura del Pecho, medido a una altura de 1.3 m) dentro de 30 parcelas de 0.1 ha cada una, y sobre los suelos, la vegetación y el paisaje a lo largo de 8 transectos (entre 2 y 5 km de longitud cada u...

Effects of forest structure components on the occurence, group size and density of groups of bare-face tamarin (Saguinus bicolor - primates: Callitrichinae) in Central Amazonia

Acta amaz; 36 (2), 2006
This study analyzed the influence of forest structural components on the occurence, size and density of groups of Bare-face Tamarin (Saguinus bicolor) - the most threatened species in the Amazon - and produced the first map of distribution of groups in large-scale spatial within the area of continuous fo...