Results: 264

La historia de la genética, se considera que comienza con el trabajo del monje Agustino Gregor Mendel; su investigación sobre hibridación en guisantes, publicada en 1866, describe lo que más tarde se conocería como las leyes de Mendel. [Editorial]
The history of genetics is considered to begin with the work of the Augustinian monk Gregor Mendel; his research on hybridization in peas, published in 1866, describes what would later be known as the laws of Mendel. [Editorial]

La historia de la genética, se considera que comienza con el trabajo del monje Agustino Gregor Mendel; su investigación sobre hibridación en guisantes, publicada en 1866, describe lo que más tarde se conocería como las leyes de Mendel. En 1900 marcó el redescubrimiento de Mendel por parte de Hugo d...

How clinically important is the p-value?

Rev. estomat. salud; 26 (1), 2018
Currently, it has been observed a growing number of publications in all fields of Dentistry. These publications act as scientific evidence, as well as a basis for clinical decision-making in dental care routine. It is important to note that the results and conclusions in articles are based on the p-valu...

[Já faz muito tempo que a educação escolar tem sido vista como um elemento central no processo de modernização das sociedades, aparecendo associada aos investimentos individuais e coletivos voltados para a mudança social, para o progresso econômico e para a justiça social. [Editorial]
For a long time now, school education has been seen as a central element in the process of modernizing societies, appearing associated with individual and collective investments aimed at social change, economic progress and social justice. [Editorial]