Results: 176

Scientific leaders for the future: primary and secondary education

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 42 (supl.1), 2015
Objective: To present a high school insertion pilot project in post graduate programs (PPG) and discuss the mechanisms for the formation of leaders in science. Methods: This study presents a review and pilot project. Bibliographic search occurred in sites of CAPES, MEC, SciELO and library of virtual boo...

Better understanding of social integration and solidarity as parameters for postgraduate program evaluation of medicine iii

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 42 (supl.1), 2015
Objective: To provide information in the maturation process of the general conception of social inclusion and solidarity. Methods: The following official CAPES sources were consulted: resolutions of the Technical-Scientific Council; models of evaluation forms; current legislation and ordinances; relatio...

Qualis periodic evaluation: analysis of qualis upgrade in medicine iii

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 42 (supl.1), 2015
Objective: To evaluate the preliminary results related to journals up-grade that was used by Medicine III, through opportunity offered by Capes to all agency areas programs. Methods: Were used area document of Medicine I, II and III, besides other relevant topics available online at Capes site, between ...

Metrics development for the qualis of software technical production

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 42 (supl.1), 2015
Objective: To recommend metrics to qualify software production and to propose guidelines for the CAPES quadrennial evaluation of the Post-Graduation Programs of Medicine III about this issue. Method: Identification of the development process quality features, of the product attributes and of the softwar...

Development of metrics for articles published in professional master's course

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 42 (supl.1), 2015
Objective: Propose metric to qualify the production conveyed through articles published in Professional Master's Programs and, from there, to establish guidance for the evaluation of postgraduate programs of Medicine III. Method: Analysis of the documents of 2013 area graduate programs strict sense conc...

Surgery and cardiovascular surgery journals analysis

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 42 (supl.1), 2015
Objective: To analyze critically the effectiveness and value of bibliometric indicators in journals of Surgery or Cardiovacular Surgery in the context of the postgraduate programs of CAPES Medicine III. Methods: A sampling with 16 academic programs and one professional master of Medicine III, encompassi...

Criteria for consultant and advisor in the brazilian postgraduate system

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 42 (supl.1), 2015
Objective: To review the rules, resolutions and existing documents relating to consultant and advisor to better target the actions of those who exercise these roles. Methods: The following documents were consulted: Statute of CAPES, through Decree No. 7692 of March 2, 2012; Ordinance No. 47 of 17/10/199...

Analysis of otorhinolaryngology, orthopedics and thoracic surgery journals

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 42 (supl.1), 2015
Objectives: To perform an extensive analysis of journals in Medicine III - CAPES, and specifically those in the areas of Otorhinolaryngology, Orthopedics and Traumatology and Chest Surgery. Method: An active search for the impact factors in the Journal Citation Reports, Scimago, their indexation in Scie...