Results: 266

Economic analysis of routine neuromonitoring of recurrent laryngeal nerve in total thyroidectomy

Biomédica (Bogotá); 35 (3), 2015
Introduction: Thyroidectomy is a common surgery. Routine searching of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is the most important strategy to avoid palsy. Neuromonitoring has been recommended to decrease recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. Objective: To assess if neuromonitoring of recurrent laryngeal nerve during ...

«Colombia, la más sana». La urgente necesidad de una visión para la salud colombiana

Rev. colomb. cardiol; 22 (4), 2015
Como las personas, como las empresas, los sectores sociales requieren aspiraciones mayores. Un propósito superior. Una visión de largo plazo por alcanzar, máxime en países en desarrollo, donde la inequidad y la pobreza son retos complejos que requieren de esfuerzos sostenidos en el tiempo para algún...

Exploración de modelos para la evaluación del impacto económico, social, político y científico de la investigación en salud

Rev. salud pública; 17 (3), 2015
La investigación en salud incide sobre la salud de las poblaciones. El presente ensayo realiza un acercamiento a los marcos y modelos empleados por los países desarrollados para la evaluación del impacto de las investigaciones en salud, por medio del análisis documental. De esta manera se identifican...

Aportes críticos para a cooperação internacional em saúde: uma perspectiva bioética

A Cooperação Internacional é uma forma dos atores internacionais se relacionarem para coordenar esforços em busca de objetivos supostamente comuns. Ela pode assumir diversas formas, tais como alianças temporárias sobre temas específicos, coalizões mais ou menos duradouras, processos de integraç...

Brazilian South­South development cooperation: the case of the ministry of social development in Africa

J. Int. Dev; 27 (8), 2015
The article analyses domestic and external drivers of the rise of South–South development cooperation to a foreign policy priority under the Lula administrations. It argues that the rise was a consequence of presidential leadership, growing domestic mobilisation, shifts in the global political economy ...

Progression of aging in Mexico: the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS) 2012

Salud pública Méx; 57 (supl.1), 2015
Objective. To describe the third wave of the Mexican Health and Aging Study (MHAS), completed in 2012, and present preliminary results. Materials and methods. Descriptive analyses by gender and age group of demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, health conditions and health behaviors, as well as ...

Contribution of socioeconomic factors and health care access to the awareness and treatment of diabetes and hypertension among older Mexican adults

Salud pública Méx; 57 (supl.1), 2015
Objective. To estimate changes in self-report and treatment of diabetes and hypertension between 2001 and 2012 among Mexican aged 50-80, assessing the contribution of education and health insurance coverage. Materials and methods. The Mexican Health and Aging Study was used to estimate associations of ed...

Adult obesity, disease and longevity in Mexico

Salud pública Méx; 57 (supl.1), 2015
Objective. To obtain estimates of the effects of overweight and obesity on the incidence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and adult mortality. Materials and methods. We use three waves (2000, 2002, 2012) of the Mexican Health and Aging Survey (MHAS).We employ parametric hazard models to estimate mortality and co...

[A más de treinta años de la identificación de los primeros casos de VIH/sida en el mundo y en México, el panorama que ofrece la epidemia es completamente diferente a aquel entonces. [Editorial]
More than thirty years after the identification of the first cases of HIV/AIDS in the world and in Mexico, the panorama offered by the epidemic is completely different from that time. [Editorial]

Salud pública Méx; 57 (supl.2), 2015