Results: 293

Análise da qualidade da água do rio Jaguaribe, em um trecho situado no município de Jaguaribe, Ceará, Brasil

A água constitui-se um recurso natural essencial aos seres vivos presente em todos os processos bioquímicos e fisiológicos, o que torna seu acesso indispensável às populações em geral. Diante disso, o presente estudo avaliou as características físico-químicas e microbiológicas da água proveni...

Feeding preference of the shredder Phylloicus sp. for plant leaves of Chrysophyllum oliviforme or Miconia chartacea after conditioning in streams from different biomes

Braz. j. biol; 79 (1), 2019
Abstract Macroinvertebrate shredders consume preferably leaves conditioned by fungi and bacteria which offer greater palatability to them. Plant species in Cerrado present high concentration of chemical elements such as lignin and cellulose, phenols and tanins thus making them less attractive for shredd...

Reproductive biology of Hyphessobrycon eques (Characiformes: Characidae) in Southern Pantanal, Brazil

Braz. j. biol; 79 (1), 2019
Abstract Population and reproductive aspects allow the knowledge and understanding of population dynamics and the influence of environmental factors, in addition to ensure the success of a species continuity. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze population and reproductive traits of the species Hyp...

Schistosomiasis in the middle paranapanema river region, state of São Paulo, Brazil: does it matter today for public health?

Abstract INTRODUCTION: The Middle Paranapanema watershed is known for the transmission of schistosomiasis, and there have been autochthonous cases since 1952. This study aimed to describe this disease in space and time and evaluate its current importance as a public health problem. METHODS: Thematic ...

Efecto del microhábitat sobre la abundancia y riqueza específica de los macroinvertebrados bentónicos en dos ríos tropicales de montaña, Guatemala

Cienc. tecnol. salud; 6 (1), 2019
Los macroinvertebrados bentónicos cumplen funciones ecológicas importantes en los sistemas lóticos, como el traspaso de energía a través de las redes tróficas, la descomposición de la materia orgánica, el reciclaje de nutrientes y la mezcla de sedimentos. Uno de los principales factores que defin...

Variabilidade dos casos de malária e sua relação com a precipitação e nível d'água dos rios no Estado do Amazonas, Brasil

O entendimento das relações entre as variáveis de precipitação e nível d'água dos rios com os casos de malária podem fornecer indícios importantes da modulação da doença no contexto da variabilidade climática local. No intuito de demonstrar como essas relações variam no mesmo espaço endê...

Effects of deforestation on headwater stream fish assemblages in the Upper Xingu River Basin, Southeastern Amazonia

Neotrop. ichthyol; 17 (1), 2019
The expansion of the Amazonian agricultural frontier represents the most extensive land cover change in the world, detrimentally affecting stream ecosystems which collectively harbor the greatest diversity of freshwater fish on the planet. Our goal was to test the hypotheses that deforestation affects th...

Metacercariae of Austrodiplostomum spp. (Digenea: Diplostomidae) infecting the eyes and brains of fish in Brazilian Amazon

Arq. Inst. Biol; 86 (), 2019
The aim of this paper was to report the occurrence of Austrodiplostomum spp. in the eyes and brain of Acaronia nassa, Caquetaia spectabilis, Satanoperca acuticeps, Curimatella sp. and Crenicichla marmorata in a lake of the Amazon River system in the state of Pará (Brazil). Of 49 fish examined, 10.2% wer...

Bioflocculant production from Streptomyces platensis and its potential for river and waste water treatment

Braz. j. microbiol; 49 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT A bacterium isolated from Sterkfontein dam was confirmed to produce bioflocculant with excellent flocculation activity. The 16S rDNA nucleotide sequence analyses revealed the bacteria to have 99% similarity to Streptomyces platensis strain HBUM174787 and the sequence was deposited in the Genbank...

Spatial and temporal variations in fish assemblage: testing the zonation concept in small reservoirs

Braz. j. biol; 78 (3), 2018
Abstract Large reservoirs usually present spatial gradients in fish assemblage, distinguishing three strata (littoral, pelagic, and bathypelagic) along the vertical and horizontal axes, and three zones (fluvial, transitional, and lacustrine) along the longitudinal axis. The main objective of this study w...