Results: 139

Haplotipo del gen del factor VIII en el diagnóstico molecular de la hemofilia A: estudio de una familia
Factor VIII gene haplotype in the haemophilia a molecular dagnosis: a family study

La hemofilia A se caracteriza por ser una enfermedad congénita del trastorno de la coagulación y constituye un desorden recesivo ligado al cromosoma X. El estudio molecular se realiza por estudio indirecto, por ser causada por mutaciones heterogéneas en el gen del factor VIII. Se estudió una familia ...

Study of Methylation Pattern of de Novo DNA Methyltransferase Genes and its Correlation with DNA Methylation Pattern of RUNX3 in Individuals with Gastric Cancer from Northern Region of Brazil

Int. j. morphol; 25 (4), 2007
Gastric cancer is the forth malignancy in frequency in the world. In the northern Brazil is the second neoplasia most frequent in males and the third most frequent in females. Genetic and epigenetic alterations are evolved on gastric carcinogenesis and DNA methylation is the epigenetic alteration better ...

A Common 34C>G Variant at the Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma Gene in Chilean Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Controls

Int. j. morphol; 25 (4), 2007
The 34C>G (Prol2Ala) polymorphic variant of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ2 (PPAR-γ2) gene has been associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). However, the results between populations are contradictory. Thus, in the present study was investigated the possible associatio...

Deletion of DNA sequences of using a polymerase chain reaction based approach

We developed a simple, rapid and reliable method to delete DNA fragments in plasmids using a polymerase chain reaction based amplification of the circular DNA sequence that excludes the fragment to be deleted. The primers are designed to contain a non-complementary 5' sequence consisting of a restriction...

Infección por Chlamydia trachomatis en mujeres cubanas en edad reproductiva
Infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis in Cuban women at reproductive age

Rev. cuba. endocrinol; 17 (2), 2006
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar la frecuencia y los factores asociados a la infección por Chlamydia trachomatis en mujeres cubanas en edad reproductiva. Se realizó un estudio transversal en mujeres que asistieron a consultas de ginecología, infertilidad y terminación del embarazo en...

Semiquantitative analysis of genetically modified maize and soybean in food

The aim of this study was to analyze quantitatively the presence of genetically modified organism in food with different composition and degree of processing. Total DNA was extracted by Dellaporta's method and GMO analysis was performed using two consecutives PCR reactions with specie specific primers (I...

Avaliação da técnica da reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) no estudo da distribuição do vírus rábico em camundongos (Mus musculus) inoculados experimentalmente
Evaluation of polymerase chain reaction in the study of rabies virus distribution in mice (Mus musculus) experimentally inoculated

O diagnóstico da raiva baseia-se na reação de Imunofluorescência direta (IFD) e Inoculação intracerebral em camundongos (IC). Atualmente vários trabalhos vem sendo realizados utilizando a reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) no diagnóstico da raiva com resultados promissores. O presente traba...

Detección de Chlamydia trachomatis en muestras de exudado endocervical por la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa
Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in samples of endocervical exudate by polymerase chain reaction

Rev. cuba. endocrinol; 13 (2), 2002
Se procesaron 59 muestras de exudado endocervical, de mujeres que asistieron a 2 clínicas de infertilidad y a consulta de regulación menstrual de Ciudad de La Habana, para evaluar el desempeño de un método de detección de Chlamydia trachomatis, basado en la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR)...

Analysis of the p53 gene by PCR-SSCP in ten cases of WilmsÆ tumor

Säo Paulo med. j; 118 (2), 2000
CONTEXT: Mutations of the p53 tumor suppressor gene are the most frequent alterations observed in human neoplasias affecting adults. In pediatric oncology, however, they have seldom been identified. WilmsÆ tumor is a renal neoplasia commonly occurring in children and is associated with mutations of the ...