Results: 1739

Evaluación nutricional de escolares en una ciudad fronteriza entre Estados Unidos y México

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (3), 2016
Background: Undernutrition and obesity coexist among Mexican children due to poverty, sedentariness and inadequate food intake. Aim: To assess the nutritional status of school age children in a Mexican city located in the frontier with United States. Material and Methods: Cross sectional assessment of ch...

Efecto de la incorporación de registros adicionales a la presión arterial en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud, Chile 2010

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (3), 2016
Background: It is of utmost importance to identify hypertensive subjects in a country, in order to use efficiently public resources. The National Health Survey 2009-10 in Chile incorporated a third measurement of blood pressure (BP) during the home visit performed by a nurse, and a second day of measurem...

Diferencias de género en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en adolescentes escolarizados chilenos

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (3), 2016
Background: Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) refers to individuals' perception of their subjective well-being, considering various aspects of their life and the impact on their health. Aim: To analyze gender differences in the HRQOL of adolescent students in Chile, by age, type of school attended, ...

Acceso a colecistectomía en un programa de tamizaje ecográfico de colelitiasis en centros de medicina familiar

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (3), 2016
Background: Cholelithiasis (CL) represents a major health burden in Chile, with rates of cholecystectomy (CCT) of ~40.000 per year. The explicit health care guaranties (GES) program includes prioritized CCT for CL carriers between 35 and 49 years of age. Aim: To assess the access and opportunity of CCT i...

Association between duration of untreated bipolar disorder and clinical outcome: data from a Brazilian sample

Objective: Bipolar disorder (BD) is often left untreated for long periods, and this delay in treatment correlates with unfavorable prognosis. The present study sought to assess the magnitude of duration of untreated bipolar disorder (DUB) in Brazil. We hypothesized that DUB would be longer in Brazil than...

Incidence of sepsis following transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsy at a tertiary-care medical center in Lebanon

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (1), 2016
ABSTRACT Background Urosepsis is a rare but life-threatening complication following transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guided needle prostate biopsy. Despite the technological and pharmacological improvements, the problem of bacterial urosepsis after prostate biopsy remains. A strategy for preventing urosep...

Abandonment of nicotine dependence treatment: A cohort study

Säo Paulo med. j; 134 (1), 2016
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Non-adherence to treatment is one of the hindering factors in the process of smoking cessation. This study aimed to compare sociodemographic characteristics, smoking status and motivation among smokers who maintained or abandoned treatment to stop smoking, and to analyze associati...

Indicadores de Lactancia Materna obtenidos en el momento de la vacunación en cuatro Centros de Salud Familiar de la zona Sur de Santiago

Rev. chil. pediatr; 87 (1), 2016
Objetivos: Comparar datos oficiales de lactancia materna (LM) con los obtenidos por entrevistas realizadas en vacunaciones regulares. Sujetos y método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, con muestreo por conveniencia, en el que se entrevistó a los tutores de los niños que asistieron a vacunarse en 4 ...

Normative data of Fuld Object Memory Evaluation test for brazilian elderly population

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 74 (2), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective This study aims to present normative data for Fuld Object Memory Evaluation test stratified by sex, gender, age, and education for the Brazilian elderly population. Method We evaluated 2.132 healthy elderly both genders, with a mean age of 70.30 years (± 7.28) from two community-based...

Impacto de la enfermedad genética en los ingresos hospitalarios en un Servicio de Pediatría

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (2), 2016
Background: With the epidemiological changes, the role of genetic factors as a cause of morbidity and mortality is increasing, changing disease patterns of patients admitted to pediatric hospitals. Aim: To describe the prevalence of genetic diseases (GD) in patients admitted to a tertiary-care hospital P...