Results: 605

Home fall of elderly people: implications of stressors and representations in the COVID-19 context

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 42 (spe), 2021
ABSTRACT Objectives To describe personal conditions and home structure that predisposes the elderly to the risk of falling, in the perspective of Neuman's stressors; to describe the content, structure and origin of social representations about falling at home by elderly people; and conjecture the implic...

Costs and root causes of medication errors and falls in a Teaching Hospital: cross-sectional study

ABSTRACT Objectives to characterize accidents/falls and medication errors in the care process in a teaching hospital and to determine their root causes and variable direct costs. Method cross-sectional study implemented in two stages: the first, was based on the analysis of secondary sources (notific...

Evaluation of the effectiveness of an intervention in a health team to prevent falls in hospitalized elderly people

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 55 (), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention program in practices and behaviors of a health team to prevent falls in hos pitalized elderly people. Method: This was an action, mixed-methods, and longitudinal study that applied an intervention based on TeamSTEPPS®, and organized ...

Epidemiologia das cirurgias traumato-ortopédicas em dois hospitais do extremo sul do Brasil

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o perfil dos pacientes submetidos a cirurgias traumato-ortopédicas. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, incluindo todos os pacientes submetidos a cirurgias traumato-ortopédicas em hospitais centro de referência estadual na cidade do Rio Grande (RS), no ano de 2014. O...

Condición física y riesgo de caída en adultos mayores autovalentes de la ciudad de Chillán, Chile

Objetivos: Comparar características de adultos mayores con y sin riesgo de caídas, relacionar la condición física y características con el riesgo de caídas en adultos mayores autovalentes de la ciudad de Chillán. Resultados: Existe diferencia significativa entre los adultos mayores con y sin rie...

Ocorrência e caracterização da tontura em idosos atendidos em uma Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF)

Distúrb. comun; 32 (4), 2020
Introdução: A tontura é vista como um dos sintomas mais comuns na população em geral, ocorrendo com maior incidência na população idosa que frequentemente apresenta distúrbios do equilíbrio e comprometimento do sistema vestibular. A caracterização de um grupo de idosos da região centro sul d...

Factores pronósticos en el traumatismo craneoencefálico grave en pediatría
Prognostic factors in severe head injury in pediatrics

Rev. argent. neurocir; 34 (4), 2020
Objetivos: Analizar y establecer una asociación entre las características del Traumatismo Craneoencefálico (TEC) grave en pediatría (edad, etiología, características clínicas, lesiones intracraneales y cirugía) y los resultados a largo plazo. Material y Método: Revisión de los pacientes con TEC...

Practices of caregivers when evaluating the risk of falls in the admission of older adults to nursing homes

Dement. neuropsychol; 14 (4), 2020
ABSTRACT. Falls are a complex problem for the older population residing in nursing homes. Despite recommendations, many difficulties remain in the evaluation of and systematic information on fall risk factors. Objectives: To build and validate the Scale for Practices of Identification of and Information...

Caracterización epidemiológica de los accidentes en el hogar: atención médica inmediata. Servicio desconcentrado Hospital Pediátrico Dr Agustín Zubillaga
Epidemiological characterization of accidents at home: immediate medical attention. Deconcentrated service Dr Agustín Zubillaga Pediatric Hospital

Bol. méd. postgrado; 36 (2), 2020
Se realizó una investigación de tipo no experimental, transversal y descriptiva para establecer las características epidemiológicas de los accidentes en el hogar de 112 pacientes entre 2 a 13 años de edad que ingresaron a la Atención Médica Inmediata (AMI) del Servicio Desconcentrado Hospital Pedi...