Results: 3042

Sarcopenia e gravidade da doença hepática gordurosa não-alcoólica

Arq. gastroenterol; 56 (4), 2019
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is characterized by deposition of lipids in the hepatic parenchyma exceeding 5% of liver weight in the absence of other conditions, such as viral or alcoholic hepatitis and metabolic disease. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common for...

Atividade física de vida diária, capacidade de exercício e qualidade de vida de pacientes com doença de Crohn em remissão induzida por infliximabe: um estudo preliminar

Arq. gastroenterol; 56 (4), 2019
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Physical activity in daily life and exercise capacity have not been assessed in patients with Crohn's disease to date. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the physical activity in daily life, exercise capacity, quality of life, and prevalence of mood disorders in patients with moderate-to-sev...

Percepción de la imagen corporal en adolescentes universitarios

Rev. chil. nutr; 46 (5), 2019
Los adolescentes son vulnerables a la insatisfacción corporal (IC) por los cambios que experimentan. Se evaluó la percepción de la imagen corporal (PIC) y su relación con estrato socioeconómico (ESE), estado nutricional (EN), actividad física (AF), condición física (CF) y calidad de la dieta en a...

Talk the talk and walk the walk! Association between Weekly Exercise Load and Knowledge about Recommendations for Fighting Innactivity

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends as a weekly "target dose" of exercise 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of intense exercise. Public health policies have prioritized the practice of exercise as a strategy for disease prevention and health promotion, with health professionals as...

Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Hemodynamic and Respiratory Response in Patients Submitted to Cardiac Surgery: Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation seems to be a promising option to intensify the rehabilitation and improve the exercise capacity of patients in the immediate postoperative period of cardiac surgery. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the hemodynamic (heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diasto...

Actividad física y tiempo sedente se asocian a sospecha de deterioro cognitivo en población adulta mayor chilena

Rev. méd. Chile; 147 (10), 2019
Background: Lifestyle factors could promote healthy ageing. Aim: To investigate the association between physical activity (PA), sedentary behavior and cognitive impairment in Chilean older adults. Material and Methods: We included 1,390 participants from the National Health Survey (2009-2010). The Mini...

Project profile: a multicenter study on breast cancer in young women in Latin America (PRECAMA study)

Salud pública Méx; 61 (5), 2019
Abstract: Objective: To describe the rationale and the methodology of a multicenter project to study the etiology of breast cancer in young Latin American women. Materials and methods: The International Agency for Research on Cancer has established an international collaborative population-based case-c...

Musculação e cotidiano laboral: significados atribuídos às dores corporais em uma academia de ginástica do Rio de Janeiro

Resumo Este artigo faz parte de uma pesquisa etnográfica desenvolvida durante um ano no setor de musculação de uma academia de ginástica em um bairro da cidade do Rio de Janeiro cujos alunos são de baixa renda e, em sua maioria, trabalham em ocupações ou ofícios profissionais com alta demanda de ...