BACKGROUND: Calf diarrhea is a major economic concern in bovine industry all around the world. This study was carried out in order to investigate distribution of virulence genes, pathotypes, serogroups and antibiotic resistance properties of Escherichia coli isolated from diarrheic calves. RESULTS: Total...
BACKGROUND: In the last decades, overweight and obesity have been transformed from minor public health issues to a major threat to public health affecting the most affluent societies and also the less developed ones. OBJECTIVES: To estimate overweight-obesity prevalence in adults, their association with ...
INTRODUCTION: Early Childhood Caries (ECC), in both industrialized and developing countries, is the most prevalent chronic disease in childhood and it is still a health public problem, affecting mainly populations considered as vulnerable, despite being preventable. Objective The purpose of this study wa...
PURPOSE: although laparoscopic surgery for the treatment of colorectal diseases represents a major advance, it is currently performed in less than a third of patients undergoing colectomies. The aim of this study is to analyze the initial results of laparoscopic-assisted colorectal surgeries (LACS) perfo...
Giant congenital melanocytic nevus is usually defined as a melanocytic lesion present at birth that will reach a diameter ≥ 20 cm in adulthood. Its incidence is estimated in <1:20,000 newborns. Despite its rarity, this lesion is important because it may associate with severe complications such a...
Introducción: El colesteatoma es una entidad clínica que se presenta principalmente en edades medias de la vida. El tratamiento definitivo es quirúrgico, el cual apunta a erradicar la enfermedad, mientras que mantener o mejorar la audición es un objetivo secundario. Existen diversas técnicas quirúr...
Antecedentes: Descripción de la condición de salud de interés: La Insuficiencia Renal Crónica (IRC) es un síndrome clínico complejo, resultante de un deterioro progresivo e irreversible de la función renal, que se traduce en la incapacidad del riñón para remover los productos de desecho y manten...