Results: 1739

Origin, transfer and distribution of cantharidin-related compounds in the blister beetle Hycleus scabiosae

Cantharidin provides chemical protection for the coleopteran families Meloidae and Oedemeridae. In the present study, it was observed that cantharidin concentration in Hycleus scabiosae was slightly decreased from mated females (mean = 0.011 mg/mg of dry weight) to males (mean = 0.010 mg/mg) and consider...

Estudo epidemiológico da dacriocistite crônica

Rev. bras. oftalmol; 70 (6), 2011
OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste projeto de pesquisa é documentar as características epidemiológicas dos casos de dacriocistites crônicas atendidos em um hospital público. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo e documental dos prontuários de 60 pacientes com história pregressa de dacriocistite crônica que for...

Entre textos e contextos: relações sociais, motivação e lazer na velhice

Licere (Online); 14 (4), 2011
Este estudo discute algumas questões relacionadas à oferta de lazer para o público idoso a partir de diferentes contextos sociais. A discussão inicia comparando os diferentes significados nos termos empregados sócio-culturalmente para referir-se à velhice e àqueles que atingem essa faixa etária. ...

Aproximación a la Tendencia Secular del Estado Nutricional y Composición Corporal en Escolares de Enseñanza Secundaria, V Región, Chile: 1985-2010

Int. j. morphol; 29 (2), 2011
Durante el último siglo se ha identificado una tendencia secular positiva en el crecimiento físico de la mayor parte de las poblaciones del mundo, sobre todo en niños y adolescentes. La situación en Chile no ha sido distinta reflejándose un aumento en todos los grupos etáreos constituyendo uno de l...

The Gut and Lung Morphometry in Experimental and Natural Lineage 1 Variant of Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus Infection in Nigerian Goats

Int. j. morphol; 29 (2), 2011
The lung and gut morphometry in both natural and experimental Peste de petit ruminant (PPR) virus which are scanty in literature hence the need for this study. The goats that were submitted for necropsy in the Department of Veterinary Pathology University of Ibadan between 2009 and 2010 and the gross pat...

Age Related Structural Changes in the Bulbourethral Gland of Gaddi Goat (Capra hircus)

Int. j. morphol; 29 (2), 2011
A study was conducted on the bulbourethral glands of 30 Gaddi goats, divided into three groups of 10 animals in each viz; Prepubertal (1 day old to < 18 months of age), Pubertal (18 months to < 5yrs of age) and Postpubertal (>5yrs of age). The study revealed that the glands grew at a faster speed up-to 6...

Avaliação da capacidade para o trabalho e da aptidão cardiorrespiratória de trabalhadores saudáveis

Caracterização morfológica dos órgãos internos de reprodução de Spartocera dentiventris (Berg, 1884) (Hemiptera: Coreidae) em diferentes idades

Nesse estudo foi descrita, mensurada e ilustrada, a genitália interna de machos e fêmeas de Spartocera dentiventris considerando distintas idades. As alterações mais evidentes no sistema reprodutivo foram observadas na largura e no comprimento dos ovários que permitem a distinção entre os estágio...

Relationship between overweight-obesity and periodontal disease in Mexico

Acta odontol. latinoam; 23 (3), 2010
The aim of this study was to examine the association between overweight-obesity and periodontal disease in subjects who attended the clinic of Periodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, San Luis de Potosi, Mexico. This was cross-sectional study involving 88 subjects - 60 without overweight-obesity and 28 with o...

Comparative inter-institutional study of stress among dentists

Acta odontol. latinoam; 23 (3), 2010
Dentistry is considered to be a stressful profession due to different factors caused by work, representing a threat to dentists' health. The objectives of this work were to identify and compare chronic stress in dentists among the different health institutions and the association of stress with risk fact...