Results: 380

Why is the nonavalent HPV vaccine so important for Brazil?

Genital Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is the most common sexually transmitted infection worldwide. It presents from latent infection to anogenital and oropharyngeal carcinoma in both men and women. Cervical cancer is still the most prevalent cancer associated with HPV and in many countries, such a...

Vivência de responsáveis por adolescentes na vacinação contra o papilomavírus: estudo fenomenológico

OBJETIVO: compreender a vivência de responsáveis por adolescentes em relação a vacinação contra o papilomavírus humano. MÉTODO: estudo de natureza qualitativa fundamentado na Fenomenologia Social de Alfred Schütz. Os dados foram coletados, no período de outubro a dezembro de 2014, por meio de e...

Susceptibilidad genética frente al cáncer bucal por infección del virus del papiloma humano

Gac. méd. Méx; 155 (3), 2019
Resumen Los carcinógenos ambientales y el virus del papiloma humano (VPH) son los principales responsables del cáncer bucal. Los factores de susceptibilidad en el genoma humano desempeñan un papel modulador del riesgo, sin embargo, no todos los individuos expuestos a los carcinógenos padecen cáncer....

Understanding of Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine Receipt among Adolescents in Trinidad and Tobago

West Indian med. j; 68 (2), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the barriers or factors that may hinder receipt of the human papilloma virus (HPV) among adolescent girls, 14-18 years old, and evaluate the awareness level about HPV and the HPV vaccine acceptance. Methods: A questionnaire consisting of two parts, demographic and fami...

Estimation of the costs of invasive cervical cancer treatment in Brazil: A micro-costing study

Abstract Objective Themain objective of the present study was to estimate the annual treatment costs of invasive cervical cancer (ICC) per patient at an oncology center in Brazil from a societal perspective by considering direct medical, direct nonmedical, and indirect costs. Methods A cost analysis ...

Cumplimiento del esquema de vacunación contra el Virus de Papiloma Humano en niñas de 11 años, Municipio de Danlí, Departamento El Paraíso, Honduras, 2018

OBJETIVO: Determinar el cumplimiento del esquema de vacunación contra el Virus de Papiloma Humano en niñas de 11 años, Municipio de Danlí, Departamento El Paraíso, Honduras, 2018. DISEÑO: Estudio Descriptivo de corte Transversal, universo de estudio fue la totalidad de 2,216 dosis aplicadas de los ...

Knowledge of pregnant adolescents about human papillomavirus

Abstract Objective To evaluate the level of information possessed by pregnant adolescents regarding the human papillomavirus (HPV). Methods Descriptive study developed in the adolescent prenatal outpatient clinic of a tertiary hospital fromthe state of São Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected between ...