Retroperitoneal presacral schwannomas are uncommon and are usually diagnosed
accidentally. We present here the case of a 23-year-old woman diagnosed with an
expansive pelvic lesion during a routine gynecological examination. The precise
location of the tumor, as well as its relation to adjacent structure...
ABSTRACT Objective: To report our experience of retroperitoneoscopic technique in semi-lateral decubitus position for the retroperitoneal nonadrenal ganglioneuromas in 18 patients, and to evaluate its clinical outcomes. Materials and Methods: From January 2012 to May 2016, 18 patients with retroperiton...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the safety and feasibility of total retroperitoneal laparoscopic nephroureterectomy with urinary-bladder junction resection for a tuberculous nonfunctional kidney. Materials and Methods: A total of 27 individuals diagnosed with unilateral nonfunctional kidney secondary t...
ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe our technique and outcomes for laparoscopic intracorporeal ileal neobladder (ICNB) reconstruction. Materials and Methods: From April 2014 to November 2016, 21 patients underwent laparoscopic ICNB at our tertiary referral centre. ICNB with bilateral isoperistaltic afferent ...
Antecedentes: la hernioplastia inguinal laparoscópica ha demostrado múltiples beneficios. Sin embargo, la tasa de recidiva continúa siendo materia de estudio y controversia. Objetivo: analizar factores de riesgo de recidiva poshernioplastia inguinal laparoscópica con seguimiento posoperatorio alejado...
Antecedentes: La cirugía laparoscópica colorrectal continúa en camino de convertirse en el abordaje de elección para el tratamiento de la patología colorrectal benigna y maligna. Sin embargo, su aplicabilidad aún es baja y está mayormente limitada a grandes centros urbanos. Objetivo: analizar la f...
ABSTRACT Objective: The purpose of this video is to present robotic excision of a complex adrenal mass with retrocaval extension and encasement of renal hilum in a 16 year old boy. Biochemical screening was negative for metabolically active component. Computerized tomographic scan with contrast revealed...
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivos determinar la curva de aprendizaje de la apendicectomía laparoscópica por una sola incisión y describir la experiencia inicial de la cirugía. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo y descriptivo entre los meses de Noviembre y Diciembre del año 2017 en 21 paciente...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the preoperative imaging manifestation and therapeutic effect of laparoscopic simple enucleation (SE) for localized chromophobe renal cell carcinoma (chRCC). Materials and Methods: Clinical data of 36 patients who underwent laparoscopic SE of localized chRCC at our insti...
Carcinoma de Células Renales/diagnóstico por imagen,
Carcinoma de Células Renales/cirugía,
Neoplasias Renales/diagnóstico por imagen,
Neoplasias Renales/cirugía,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Tempo Operativo,
Estudios Retrospectivos,
Tomografía Computarizada por Rayos X,
Resultado del Tratamiento
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate differences in perioperative complications and short-term outcomes of patients who underwent abdominal sacrocolpopexy / sacrohysteropexy, laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy / sacrohysteropexy, or laparoscopic pectopexy due to apical prolapse. Materials and Methods: A retrosp...
Estudios de Cohortes,
Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Ginecológicos/efectos adversos,
Procedimientos Quirúrgicos Ginecológicos/métodos,
Complicaciones Intraoperatorias,
Laparoscopía/efectos adversos,
Persona de Mediana Edad,
Tempo Operativo,
Prolapso de Órgano Pélvico/cirugía,
Estudios Retrospectivos,
Resultado del Tratamiento