Results: 352

Hirschsprung's disease - Postsurgical intestinal dysmotility

Rev. paul. pediatr; 34 (3), 2016
Abstract Objective: To describe the case of an infant with Hirschsprung's disease presenting as total colonic aganglionosis, which, after surgical resection of the aganglionic segment persisted with irreversible functional intestinal obstruction; discuss the difficulties in managing this form of congeni...

Opioid peptides and gastrointestinal symptoms in autism spectrum disorders

Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are characterized by deficits in the individual’s ability to socialize, communicate, and use the imagination, in addition to stereotyped behaviors. These disorders have a heterogenous phenotype, both in relation to symptoms and regarding severity. Organic problems r...

Laminar lesions in horses with systemic oxidative stress, committed by experimentally induced or naturally occurring gastrointestinal disorders

Pesqui. vet. bras; 36 (8), 2016
Laminitis in horses can be associated with lesions in multiple organs secondary to sepsis. Twenty-one horses suffering from gastrointestinal disorders were used in the experiment; 7 horses with experimentally induced endotoxemia and intestinal ischaemia, and 14 horses suffering from naturally occurring c...

Bezoares gastrointestinales: mitos y realidades

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (8), 2016
Gastrointestinal bezoars are a concretion of indigested material that can be found in the gastrointestinal tract of humans and some animals. This material forms an intraluminal mass, more commonly located in the stomach. During a large period of history animal bezoars were considered antidotes to poisons...

Detection of enteric viruses in pancreas and spleen of broilers with runting-stunting syndrome (RSS)

Pesqui. vet. bras; 36 (7), 2016
Enteric disease is a multifactorial problem in chickens, which causes gastrointestinal alterations, elevated feed conversions and impairment. In the last years, several enteric viruses were implicated in enteric disease; case reports have shown their presence alone or in concomitant infections during out...

Signs and symptoms associated with digestive tract development

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 92 (3,supl.1), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the development and prevalence of gastrointestinal signs and symptoms associated with the development of the digestive tract, and to assess the measures aimed to reduce their negative impacts. Source of data: Considering the scope and comprehensiveness of the subject, a s...

El empacho: revisión de una enfermedad popular infantil chilena (1674-2014)

Rev. chil. pediatr; 87 (1), 2016
El empacho, el mal de ojo, los aires, el susto o espanto, son las principales y más reconocidas enfermedades populares latinoamericanas. Sobre el empacho la información médica, histórica y etnográfica es extensa y profunda, pues existen documentos que la registran desde el siglo XVI hasta tiempos re...

Factores pronósticos de irresecabilidad en el adenocarcinoma gástrico
Prognostic factors of unresectability in gastric adenocarcinoma

Introducción: el cáncer gástrico es un problema de salud a nivel mundial, su tratamiento curativo es eminentemente quirúrgico, pero el diagnóstico tardío unido a una serie de factores hacen imposible la resección tumoral en ocasiones. Objetivo: identificar los factores pronósticos de irresecabili...

Gastrointestinal and external parasites of Enicognathus ferrugineus and Enicognathus leptorhynchus (Aves, Psittacidae) in Chile

Abstract Parasite species are important components of biodiversity, as they provide valuable information about host health, evolutionary relationships, population structures, trophic interactions, the existence of environmental stresses, and climatic conditions. With the aim of describing the parasites a...