Results: 245

Zika: probabilidad de establecimiento de su vector, Aedes aegypti, en Chile

Rev. chil. infectol; 34 (6), 2017
Resumen El virus Zika ha despertado una alarma mundial en los últimos años, representando un problema importante para la salud pública. En este estudio evaluamos el riesgo potencial de exposición a virus Zika en Chile, asociado a la probabilidad de establecimiento del vector Aedes aegypti en el país...

Aplicativo móvel para avaliação dos pés de pessoas com diabetes mellitus

Resumo Objetivo: Descrever o processo de desenvolvimento e validação de um aplicativo para dispositivos móveis sobre avaliação e classificação de risco dos pés de pessoas com Diabetes mellitus. Métodos: Estudo metodológico, realizado em quatro etapas: Definição de requisitos e elaboração ...

Do We Need to Personalize Renal Function Assessment in the Stratification of Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery?

Arq. bras. cardiol; 109 (4), 2017
Abstract Background: Renal dysfunction is an independent predictor of morbidity and mortality in cardiac surgery. For a better assessment of renal function, calculation of creatinine clearance (CC) may be necessary. Objective: To objectively evaluate whether CC is a better risk predictor than serum cre...

Prevalence and Prediction of Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease in Patients Undergoing Primary Heart Valve Surgery

Arq. bras. cardiol; 109 (4), 2017
Abstract Background: The prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) in valvular patients is similar to that of the general population, with the usual association with traditional risk factors. Nevertheless, the search for obstructive CAD is more aggressive in the preoperative period of patients with va...

Aplicación de la escala de factores de riesgo para complicaciones de preeclampsia
Application of the risk factor scale for complications of preeclampsia

INTRODUCCIÓN: El diagnóstico precoz de las complicaciones en preeclampsia, constituye uno de los retos principales en obstetricia que suelen determinar la instauración de medidas preventivas y terapéuticas, con el fin de cambiar su historia natural; por tal motivo se construyó una escala de factores...

Use of the Ishikawa diagram in a case-control analysis to assess the causes of a diffuse lamellar keratitis outbreak

Arq. bras. oftalmol; 80 (5), 2017
ABSTRACT Purpose: To identify the causes of a diffuse lamellar keratitis (DLK) outbreak using a systematic search tool in a case-control analysis. Methods: An Ishikawa diagram was used to guide physicians to determine the potential risk factors involved in this outbreak. Coherence between the occurrenc...

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome among obese individuals: A cross-sectional study

Summary Introduction: The obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is a respiratory illness, characterized by recurrent episodes of apnea and hypopnea, leading to reduction or cessation of the airflow. Obesity is one of the major risk factors for the development of OSAS. To help in the diagnosis of this ...

Terapia de reemplazo de nicotina

Resumen Todas las formas comercialmente disponibles de terapia de reemplazo de nicotina (TRN) (chicles, parche transdérmico, aerosol nasal, inhalador y tabletas sublinguales / lozenges) pueden ayudar a de dejar de fumar con éxito. TRN aumenta la tasa cesación en un 50 a 70%. La combinación de un parc...

Metabolic disorders and cardiovascular risk in people living with HIV/AIDS without the use of antiretroviral therapy

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Metabolic disorders in people living with HIV/AIDS (PLH) have been described even before the introduction of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs in the treatment of HIV infection and are risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Based on this, the purpose of this study was to assess metab...

Spatial risk of tuberculosis mortality and social vulnerability in Northeast Brazil

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Tuberculosis (TB) is the most common infectious disease in the world. We aimed to analyze the spatial risk of tuberculosis mortality and to verify associations in high-risk areas with social vulnerability. METHODS: This was an ecological study. The scan statistic was used to de...