BACKGROUND Intermediate hosts are key organisms in maintaining parasite life cycles, because they can act as amplifiers in the transmission from natural reservoirs to humans. One of the most important groups of intermediate hosts for zoonotic nematode infections are gastropods,slugs and snails. These ar...
ABSTRACT Objective. This review describes the geographic and temporal distribution of, detection methods for, and other epidemiological features of published leptospirosis outbreaks, with the aim of informing efforts to standardize outbreak-reporting practices. Methods. We conducted a systematic review...
Abstract: This research applies indicators concerning control of the visceral leishmaniasis canine reservoir in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Data were obtained from the Zoonoses Control Information System (SCZOO) and the Brazilian Information System on Diseases of Notification ...
This study aimed to analyze the knowledge about some zoonosis in a private school in the city of Bom Jesus-PI, Brazil, through the application of questionnaires intended for primary school students, teachers and students ́ parents. Zoonosis are transmissible illnesses in natural conditions between the a...
Justificativa e Objetivos: A leishmaniose visceral é uma zoonose endêmica em várias regiões do mundo. Com o aumento de casos, devido à urbanização da doença, a vigilância epidemiológica tem importância no controle do agravo. Este estudo objetivou verificar o perfil epidemiológico da leishmani...
RESUMEN Objetivo. Determinar la calidad fisicoquímica, microbiológica y recuento de células somáticas de leches crudas que se distribuyen para consumo humano en diferentes barrios de Sincelejo y Corozal (Sucre). Materiales y métodos. Mediante un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se tomaron...
Resumen Las rickettsiosis son enfermedades zoonóticas transmitidas por artrópodos vectores, que en Argentina presentan 2 escenarios epidemiológicos diferenciados. Uno, en las yungas de Salta y Jujuy, involucra vectores pertenecientes al «complejo Amblyomma cajennense» (A. sculptum y A. toneliae) y ...