Results: 3722

Endodontic file separation and its management among dentists in Punjab, Pakistan: a cross-sectional study

Braz. j. oral sci; 22 (), 2023
The study aimed to find the incidence and awareness of endodontic instrument separation and its management among dental house officers, postgraduate trainees, demonstrators, consultants, and general dentists. Methods: This online questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was conducted with the approval o...

Bula gigante secundaria a neumonía adquirida en la comunidad en niños
Giant Bulla Secondary to Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Children

Rev. cuba. pediatr; 95 (), 2023
Introducción: Los neumatoceles y las bulas pulmonares son lesiones que se observan en los niños casi siempre asociadas a neumonías infecciosas, aunque sus causas pueden ser diversas. La importancia clínica de estos procesos radica en el peligro de crecimiento progresivo, que puede comprometer las fun...

Correlación fisiopatológica, diagnóstica y terapéutica en el derrame pleural paraneumónico
Pathophysiological, diagnostic and therapeutic correlation in parapneumonic pleural effusion

Rev. cuba. pediatr; 95 (), 2023
Introducción: La inflamación de la pleura desencadenada por bacterias y mediada por citocinas, aumenta la permeabilidad vascular y produce vasodilatación, lo cual genera desequilibrio entre la producción de líquido pleural y su capacidad de reabsorción por eficientes mecanismos fisiológicos. La co...

Influence of implant macro-designs on primary and secondary implant stability

Introduction: Tapered implants have shown that thanks to their macro design they are capable of expanding the surgical bed performed by the surgeon, which in clinical practice gives a feeling of greater stability, however it is highly subjective and dependent on the operator. Aim: To analyze the influenc...

Escrutínio público da vida privada: uma análise etnográfica da situação de rua discutida on-line

Psicol. soc. (Online); 35 (), 2023
Resumo Esta pesquisa, de cunho etnográfico e embasada pelas premissas da Antropologia Digital, investigou as marcas da cultura que atravessam o debate sobre a situação de rua mediado pelas tecnologias digitais em uma página de Facebook. A página analisada, intitulada Rio Invisível, publica relatos ...

Assessment of Knowledge Among the Physicians Regarding Dental Screening Prior to Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the physicians' knowledge regarding the referral for dental screening prior to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Material and Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study using simple random sampling among 468 physicians from various specialties with diverse experience lev...

Use of Images and Clinical Experience to Calibrate Dental Surgeons for the Diagnosis of Molar Incisor Hypomineralization

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate an imaging protocol for use as a diagnostic and calibration tool for dentists before and after practical activity. Material and Methods: Thirty photos of children's teeth with or without changes in dental enamel were selected and evaluated by a group of experienced denti...

Establishing Cephalometric Norms in Primary Dentition Using Comprehensive Craniofacial Growth Analysis - A Digital Cephalometric Study

ABSTRACT Objective: To establish cephalometric norms in primary dentition among males and females using novel customized Comprehensive Cephalometric Growth (CCG) Analysis. Material and Methods: The study was conducted on 67 subjects with a mean age of 5.5 yrs. Digital lateral cephalometric radiographs ...

Efficacy of Buccal Infiltration with or without Palatal Injection for Posterior Maxillary Teeth Extraction - A Split-Mouth Randomized Trial

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the feasibility of posterior maxillary teeth extraction buccal infiltration with or without the use of palatal injection. Material and Methods: A total of 70 patients underwent extraction of bilateral maxillary posterior teeth under 2% lignocaine hydrochloride with 1:2,0...

Effect of Glycolic Acid, Maleic Acid, and EDTA in the Removal of Smear Layer from Root Canal Dentin

ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the efficacy of 5% Glycolic Acid (GA), 17% ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and 7% maleic acid (MA), in removing the smear layer (SL). Material and Methods: For the experiment, forty single-rooted human teeth were selected. To perform the chemo‑mechanical prepa...