Results: 308

Computed tomography based analysis of the lamina papyracea variations and morphology of the orbit concerning endoscopic surgical approaches

Abstract Introduction: Radiologic evaluation is mandatory to assess the type of endoscopic approach concerning sinonasal pathology and reconstruction of fractured defects before any treatment modalities are instituted related to medial wall of the orbit. Objective: The goal was to provide improved unde...

Biopsia percutánea core con aguja gruesa guiada por tomografía computada en lesiones retroperitoneales: Experiencia de 10 años

Rev. méd. Chile; 147 (10), 2019
Background: CT-guided core biopsy is a widely used diagnostic technique for retroperitoneal lesions. Aim: To evaluate the diagnostic yield and safety of this procedure. Material and Methods: Review of medical records of 136 patients aged 57 ± 16 years (55% males) subjected to core biopsies performed b...

Carcinoma de plexo coroideo en paciente pediátrico: reporte de caso
Choroid plexus carcinoma in pediatric pacient: case report

Acta pediátr. hondu; 10 (2), 2019
El carcinoma de plexo coroideo se considera dentro de los tumores del cerebro como uno de los más infrecuentes, presentándose principalmente en la población pediátrica con mayor incidencia en hombres. Las principales manifestaciones clínicas son secundarias a la obstrucción del flujo de líquido ce...

Empiema subdural recidivante secundário à sinusite bacteriana frontal em um adolescente imunocompetente: relato de caso

Rev. bras. neurol; 55 (3), 2019
A sinusite é uma causa rara de infecção intracraniana, sendo responsável por 2,4% dos casos em pacientes jovens, e tem como a complicação intracraniana mais frequente o empiema subdural (ESD). Descrevemos um caso raro de um adolescente imunocompetente de 16 anos que evoluiu com confusão mental, re...

Computed tomography window affects kidney stones measurements

Int. braz. j. urol; 45 (5), 2019
ABSTRACT Objectives Measurements of stone features may vary according to the non-contrast computed tomography (NCCT) technique. Using magnified bone window is the most accurate method to measure urinary stones. Possible differences between stone measurements in different NCCT windows have not been eval...

Diagnóstico y tratamiento de la sinusitis maxilar odontogénica

RESUMEN Introducción: La patología sinusal inflamatoria e infecciosa puede comprometer la mucosa sinusal maxilar, etmoidal, esfenoidal o frontal, y su etiología es variada. Se ha observado que la patología odontológica es uno de los factores causales de la sinusitis maxilar, con una incidencia del 1...

Conservative treatment of odontogenic fibromixoma in maxilla with 11-year follow-up: case report

Introduction: Odontogenic mixomas (OMs) are a locally infiltrating slow-growing intraosseous nonmetastasizing tumors of the maxilla and the mandible that have the potential for bone des-truction and cortical expansion, showing high recurrence rates. Their frequency varies around the...

Dificultades en el diagnóstico de enteritis lúpica: presentación de un caso

Rev. méd. Chile; 147 (8), 2019
In lupus enteritis, circulating pathological immune complexes and thrombosis of intestinal vessels may occur, resulting in acute abdominal pain. We report a 24-year-old woman without a history of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), admitted for abdominal pain. An exploratory laparotomy found an appendici...

Hypothermia post-cardiopulmonary resuscitation with low inputs: an experience report

ABSTRACT Objective: to report the experience of conducting directed temperature control of a post-cardiopulmonary resuscitation patient, with reduced and basic inputs available at the institution. Method: an experience report of directed temperature control in patient (age 15 years), after four hours o...