Results: 1019

Characterization, Antioxidant and Antibacterial Potentials of Tamarindus indica L. Fruit Pulp Extract Loaded O/W Nanoemulsions

Abstract The main purposes of the current study were to formulate o/w nanoemulsions as a carrier for Tamarindus indica (tamarind) fruit pulp extract and to study the antioxidant and antibacterial potentials of nanoemulsions containing tamarind extract, focusing on cosmetic/hygiene applications. The o/w n...

Validation of the Brazilian version of the hepatitis B quality of life evaluation instrument - HBQOL, and its application to patients with chronic hepatitis B in Cascavel - PR

Abstract The objective of this study is to validate the specific questionnaire for Hepatitis B HBQOL (Hepatitis B Quality of Life Instrument, version 1.0) for the Brazilian version, in addition to testing its applicability in patients with hepatitis B under treatment and comparing the quality of life bet...

Smart Spectrophotometric Methods for Concurrent Determination of Furosemide and Spironolactone Mixture in Their Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms

Abstract Simple, precise, accurate and specific spectrophotometric methods are progressed and validated for concurrent analysis of Furosemide (FUR) and Spironolactone (SPR) in their combined dosage form depend on spectral analysis procedures. Furosemide (FUR) in the binary mixture could be analyzed at i...

Simultaneous determination of paracetamol, dextromethorphan, chlorpheniramine, pseudoephedrine and major impurities of paracetamol and pseudoephedrine by using capillary electrophoresis

Abstract A capillary electrophoresis method was developed for the first time and optimized for the determination of paracetamol, pseudoephedrine, dextromethorphan, chlorpheniramine, 4-aminophenol and ephedrine in tablet formulation. Optimum electrophoretic conditions were achieved by using a background e...

QbD enabled Process Variable Study to Develop Sustained Release Chitosan-Alginate Embedded Delivery System for Improved Patient Compliance

Abstract The current investigation entail systematic Quality by Design (QbD)-enabled approach for the development of Sustained released embedded drug delivery systems of L-Arginine employing ionic gelation technique to attain improved patient compliance. Hence, in this QbD enabled systematic approach; qu...

An overview of preparation and characterization of solid binary system and its application on transdermal film with variation of plasticizers

Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) and post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) is a problem, often occurs in patient. Inspite of high bioavailability, the demerits such as: hepatic first pass metabolism and invasive nature of oral and parenteral dosage forms can be avoided with anti-emetic...

O processo de trabalho de um ambulatório de oncologia em análise
The work process of an oncology outpatient clinic under analysis

O alto índice do câncer é algo preocupante em todo o mundo. A modalidade de tratamento mais utilizada em oncologia são os quimioterápicos, que, por sua vez, trazem o desconforto por seus efeitos colaterais tão temidos, como náuseas, vômitos, alopecia, entre outros. Se, por um lado, lidar com a do...

Belief in spiritual beings scale (BSBS): development and initial validation

Psicol. ciênc. prof; 42 (), 2022
Although belief in spiritual beings can be considered the main characteristic of religiosity/spirituality, a scale focused on specifically assessing this construct while remaining pertinent to people of different religious/spiritual denominations-including atheists and agnostics-is not available. In two ...

Formaldehyde analysis of seized cosmetic products by HS-GC-MS of methylal, ethoxymethoxymethane, and ethylal derivatives

Abstract Formaldehyde is a carcinogenic compound used as preservative in cosmetic products. In this study, a derivatization procedure using MeOH, EtOH and HCl (25:25:1), and incubation at 60ºC for 4 hours was optimized, and the derivatized products - methylal, ethoxymethoxymethane (EMM), and ethylal - w...

Práticas corporais e população LGBTI+ na Educação Física: uma revisão de escopo

Objetivo: Este estudo objetivou mapear as produções científicas sobre práticas corporais e população LGBTI+ no Brasil, bem como, compreender especificamente se a área da Educação Física produz referenciais que versam sobre essa temática. Buscou-se também, compreender na área de conhecimento ...