Results: 2527

Application of prognostic score IPSET-thrombosis in patients with essential thrombocythemia of a Brazilian public service

Summary Introduction: In patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET), the vascular complications contribute to morbidity and mortality. To better predict the occurrence of thrombotic events, an International Prognostic Score for Thrombosis in Essential Thrombocythemia (IPSET-thrombosis) has recently be...

Angiotomografia de Coronárias e Proteína C Reativa na Avaliação da Doença Arterial Coronariana

Fundamento: A doença arterial coronariana (DAC) constitui a principal causa de morte nos países desenvolvidos. No Brasil, gasta-se aproximadamente 1,74% do Produto Interno Bruto com doenças cardiovasculares. Testes de isquemia possuem baixa acurácia diagnóstica em indivíduos com risco intermediári...

Estrategia capacitante en pacientes con hipertensión arterial
Training strategy in patients with hypertension

Medisan; 20 (9), 2016
Se realizó una estrategia capacitante en 40 pacientes hipertensos, pertenecientes al área de salud del Policlínico Docente Municipal de Santiago de Cuba, de enero a diciembre de 2014, quienes cumplían los criterios de inclusión y exclusión elaborados a tal efecto, con vistas a evaluar los fundament...

Estratificación de riesgo y complicaciones isquémicas en pacientes hipertensos

Medicentro (Villa Clara); 20 (3), 2016
Con el objetivo de identificar la relación entre la estratificación de riesgo y la ocurrencia de complicaciones isquémicas, se realizó un estudio de caso y control en una población de 1466 hipertensos pertenecientes al consejo popular «José Martí» de Santa Clara. Se incluyeron los 42 pacientes q...

Association of gestational age with the option of pregnancy termination for fetal abnormalities incompatible with neonatal survival

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 14 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the profile of women seen in a Fetal Medicine unit, diagnosed with fetal abnormality incompatible with neonatal survival in their current pregnancy, and to check the association of gestational age upon diagnosis with the option of pregnancy termination. Methods: This is ...

Associated factors with mammographic changes in women undergoing breast cancer screening

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 14 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate association of sociodemographic, anthropometric, and epidemiological factors with result of mammogram in women undergoing breast cancer screening. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with data obtained through interviews, anthropometric measurements, and mammography...

Controle da hipertensão arterial sistêmica na população negra no Maranhão: problemas e desafios

Saúde Soc; 25 (3), 2016
Resumo Apresentamos e discutimos as circunstâncias da construção e uma parte do impacto entre profissionais e gestores de serviços de saúde e entre movimentos sociais, no Maranhão, de um texto elaborado por integrantes do Núcleo de Extensão e Pesquisa com Populações e Comunidades Rurais, Negras...

Hypertension and arterial stiffness in heart transplantation patients

Clinics; 71 (9), 2016
OBJECTIVES: Post-transplantation hypertension is prevalent and is associated with increased cardiovascular morbidity and subsequent graft dysfunction. The present study aimed to identify the factors associated with arterial stiffness as measured by the ambulatory arterial stiffness index. METHODS: The c...