Results: 601

Retrospective analysis of skin complications related to bone-anchored hearing aid implant: association with surgical technique, quality of life, and audiological benefit

Abstract Introduction: The bone-anchored hearing aid is an effective form of auditory rehabilitation. Due to the nature of the implant, the most common complications are skin related. A number of alternative surgical implantation techniques have been used to reduce the frequency and severity of skin com...

Preoperative care of Polypoid exposed mucosal template in bladder exstrophy: the role of high-barrier plastic wraps in reducing inflammation and polyp size

Int. braz. j. urol; 44 (3), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective To assess the role of high-barrier plastic wrap in reducing the number and size of polyps, as well as decreasing the inflammation and allergic reactions in exstro- phy cases, and to compare the results with the application of low-barrier wrap. Materials and Methods Eight patients wit...

Prevalence of dermatological complaints in patients undergoing treatment for breast cancer

An. bras. dermatol; 93 (3), 2018
Abstract: BACKGROUND: Internal malignancies such as breast cancer, as well as their treatment can often result in skin changes. OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of dermatological complaints in patients who are undergoing oncological treatment for breast cancer in a hospital in Tubarão, Santa Catari...

Síndrome de Pai: dos nuevos casos con manifestaciones inusuales

Arch. argent. pediatr; 116 (2), 2018
El síndrome de Pai se describe como la presencia de 3 anomalías congénitas: fisura de labio medial, pólipos cutáneos nasales y faciales, y lipoma pericallosal. La expresión clínica es variable. El desarrollo neuromadurativo suele ser normal. Existen 42 casos descritos en la literatura. Se proponen...

Poroqueratosis de Mibelli. Presentación de caso
Mibelli's porokeratosis. Presentation of case

Rev. medica electron; 40 (2), 2018
RESUMEN Se realizó la presentación de dos pacientes con poroqueratosis de Mibelli por ser una dermatosis poco frecuente, por lo que debe ser de interés para los profesionales de diferentes disciplinas, bien por relacionarse con el cáncer de piel o con disímiles enfermedades. Los pacientes estudiados...

Síndrome de Sézary. Presentación de un caso
Sézary síndrome. Case presentation

Rev. medica electron; 40 (2), 2018
RESUMEN El síndrome de Sézary constituye la fase leucémica de la micosis fungoide caracterizado por eritrodermia, adenopatías superficiales y células atípicas en sangre. Predomina en los hombres con una proporción 2/1 respecto a las mujeres, y en las edades entre los 60 y 70 años de edad. La enfe...

Ultrasonographic findings in primary umbilical endometriosis

An. bras. dermatol; 93 (2), 2018
Abstract: Primary cutaneous endometriosis is a rare condition. It appears without a prior history of surgical procedure and the umbilicus is the most frequently involved area. Primary umbilical endometriosis, or Villar's nodule, usually presents as a painful nodule. Its differential diagnosis may be chal...

Most frequent dermatoses at a vulvar pathology outpatient clinic

An. bras. dermatol; 93 (2), 2018
Abstract: The vulva corresponds to the external female genitalia. Special features of this region favor a wide range of diseases, whose knowledge allows for better clinical management, impacting on the quality of life. This is a cross-sectional and descriptive study carried out at a vulvar pathology outp...

Consecuencias do pénfigo no desempenho ocupacional e na (en el desempeño laboral y en la) participação social dos (de los) pacientes
Consequences of pemphigus in occupational performance and social participation of patients

Introdução: O pênfigo provoca um impacto na (El pénfigo produce un impacto en la) qualidade de vida dos pacientes, principalmente em relação aos aspectos emocionais, dor e estado geral de saúde (en relación con los aspectos emocionales, el dolor y el estado general de salud). Este impacto pode se...

Blocking or enhancing effects of some basic emollients in UVA penetration

An. bras. dermatol; 93 (2), 2018
Abstract: Background: Topical agents used in combination with phototherapy or photochemotherapy may have both blocking or enhancing effects in ultraviolet rays. Objective: In this in vivo study, the effects of topical petrolatum, basis cream, glycerine, and olive oil on the transmission of ultraviolet ...