Results: 1080

El rol de la resonancia magnética cardíaca en el diagnóstico diferencial entre miocarditis aguda e infarto agudo de miocardio con elevación del segmento ST

Rev. méd. Chile; 149 (10), 2021
BACKGROUND: Acute myocarditis frequently mimics an acute myocardial infarction, and its diagnosis is a clinical challenge. AIM: To describe the characteristics of cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in patients with acute myocarditis hospitalized with a diagnosis of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarct...

Evaluation of the olfactory bulb volume and morphology in patients with coronavirus disease 2019: can differences create predisposition to anosmia?

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to investigate whether the volume and morphology of the olfactory bulb are effective in the occurrence of anosmia in patients after COVID-19 infection. METHODS: The olfactory bulbus volume was calculated by examining the brain magnetic resonance imaging of cases with...

Prevalência de lesões de manguito rotador em laudos de ressonância magnética de ombro em uma clínica ortopédica do sul de Santa Catarina
Prevalence of rotator cuff injuries in shoulder magnetic resonance imaging reports in an orthopedic clinic in southern Santa Catarina

RESUMO Introdução: As lesões de manguito rotador são uma das principais causas de incapacitação da prática de exercícios físicos e de ausência no trabalho. A população acometida por essa patologia apresenta diferentes perfis. Exames de imagem são recursos de elevada relevância no diagnósti...

White matter hyperintensities: repercussion on grey matter structures of the brain

Rev. bras. neurol; 57 (3), 2021
The extensive white matter of the brain, which comprises about one half of its volume, is constituted by an intricate and interwoven assemble of nerve fibers. The WMH (leukoaraiosis) represent the most frequent ischemic type of lesion of SVD, affecting the white matter. These lesions may be apparent or n...

Enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob: experiencia de 5 años en un hospital terciario de Chile

Rev. méd. Chile; 149 (9), 2021
Background: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) is a prion affection that typically produces a rapidly progressive dementia with different neurologic and extra-neurologic manifestations. Aim: To characterize clinical, imaging and electroencephalography findings in patients with a probable CJD. Patients and M...

Tumor Inflamatorio de Pott: reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

INTRODUCCIÓN: El Tumor inflamatorio de Pott es una complicación rara de una patología frecuente, como son los cuadros infecciosos sinusales, cada vez más inusual por el uso extendido de antibióticos de amplio espectro, es más frecuente en la población adolescente por la neumatización similar al a...

Alteración de señal periictal transitoria en resonancia magnética de encéfalo simulando lesión estructural: caso clínico

Resumen La presencia de alteraciones de señal en resonancia magnética (RM) cerebral durante o posterior a un evento epiléptico es cada vez más reconocida en la literatura. Los cambios de señal peri-ictales se considera que sería el resultado de edema cerebral localizado, defecto de la autorregulaci...

Application of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluating ankle motion injury

Rev. bras. med. esporte; 27 (3), 2021
ABSTRACT Introduction Discuss the application of magnetic resonance imaging in evaluating ankle motion injury. Objective Verify the influencing factors of magnetic resource imaging (MRI) diagnosis based on the linear regression algorithm model. Methods The experimental group was diagnosed by MRI, w...

Análise comparativa de dois volumes diferentes de agente de contraste oral para enterografia por tomografia computadorizada em pacientes com doença de Crohn

Arq. gastroenterol; 58 (3), 2021
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Crohn's disease (CD) is an inflammatory bowel disease characterized by a chronic and recurrent inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract caused by an interaction of genetic and environmental factors. OBJECTIVE: To compare the quality and acceptance of two different oral contrast...

Individual variation of tentorial notch morphometry in a series of neurocritical patients

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 79 (9), 2021
Background: Cadaveric studies on humans have shown anatomical variabilities in the morphometric characteristics of the tentorial notch. These anatomical variations could influence the worsening of neurocritical patients. Objectives: 1) To investigate the morphometric characteristics of the tentorial not...