Results: 285

Esplenectomía laparoscópica por quiste hidatídico primario de bazo

Rev. chil. cir; 70 (5), 2018
Objetivo: Describir el caso clínico de un paciente con quiste esplénico hidatídico de un año de evolución resuelto por vía laparoscópica. Materiales y Métodos: Mujer de 36 años con dolor en hipocondrio izquierdo por 1 año de evolución. El estudio topográfico objetivó lesión esplénica quí...

Insuflación con aguja de Veress en punto de Palmer, hasta presión intraabdominal de 25 mmHg. Técnica para mejorar la seguridad del acceso laparoscópico ginecológico
Veress needle inflation at Palmer's point, up to intra-abdominal pressure of 25 mmHg. Technique to improve the safety of gynecological laparoscopic access

RESUMEN Objetivos: El objetivo del estudio es observar los beneficios de la entrada laparoscópica con trocar para la óptica, tras la insuflación previa con aguja de Veress en punto de Palmer, hasta conseguir una presión intraabdominal de 25 mmHg. Material y método: Estudio prospectivo de 115 cirug...

Revisión de la poliposis gástrica: a propósito de un caso operado por laparoscopia, con protocolo fast track

Rev. chil. cir; 70 (2), 2018
Resumen Introducción: Los pólipos gástricos suelen ser hallazgos en la endoscopia digestiva alta. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión de los pólipos gástricos más frecuentes y presentar un caso de manejo de estos con gastrectomía total laparoscópica según el protocolo fast track. Caso clínico: ...

Sutura laparoscópica frente a sutura por laparotomía en úlceras gastroduodenales perforadas

Rev. chil. cir; 70 (3), 2018
Resumen Introducción La perforación gastroduodenal continúa siendo una urgencia quirúrgica relativamente frecuente, a pesar de los avances realizados en el tratamiento médico de la enfermedad ulcerosa. Su abordaje laparoscópico ha ido aumentando en los últimos años, aunque no se ha generalizado....

Advancement in liver laparoscopic resection - development of a new surgical device

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 51 (4), 2018
Liver resection is the standard treatment for any liver lesion. Laparoscopic liver resection is associated with lower intra-operative blood loss and fewer complications than open resection. Access to the posterior part of the right liver lobe is very uncomfortable and difficult for surgeons due the anato...

Choledochal cyst in the pediatric population: experience of 13 laparoscopic procedures in two years at a single institution

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 45 (3), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the first 13 cases of laparoscopic correction of common bile duct cyst in the Pequeno Príncipe Hospital, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Methods: we performed a retrospective analysis of medical records of cases of choledochal cyst operated by laparoscopy between March 2014 ...

Introduction of robotic surgery for endometrial cancer into a Brazilian cancer service: a randomized trial evaluating perioperative clinical outcomes and costs

Clinics; 73 (supl.1), 2018
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical outcome and costs after the implementation of robotic surgery in the treatment of endometrial cancer, compared to the traditional laparoscopic approach. METHODS: In this prospective randomized study from 2015 to 2017, eighty-nine patients...

Costs and mortality rates of surgical approaches to hysterectomy in Brazil

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the costs of hysterectomies performed in Brazil due to benign conditions, and to assess its hospital admittance and mortality rates. METHODS A retrospective cohort was carried out from January 2010 to December 2014, analyzing all hysterectomies (n = 428,346) registered on ...

Inguinal repair via robotic assisted technique: literature review

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 31 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Introduction: Inguinal hernia is one of the most frequent surgical diseases. Currently, with the advantages of minimally invasive surgery, new questions arise: what will be the best approach for correction of inguinal hernia? Is there real benefit to the robotic approach? Objective: To compile...

Subcutaneous onlay laparoscopic approach (scola) for ventral hernia and rectus abdominis diastasis repair: technical description and initial results

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 31 (4), 2018
ABSTRACT Background: Diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles (DMRA) is frequent and may be associated with abdominal wall hernias. For patients with redudant skin, dermolipectomy and plication of the diastasis is the most commonly used procedure. However, there is a significant group of patients who d...