Results: 576

Nuevo método para predecir el diámetro mesiodistal de las coronas de caninos y premolares no erupcionados. Estudio Piloto

RESUMEN: La determinación de la discrepancia de la longitud del arco y del tamaño del diente en la dentición mixta, requiere una predicción precisa del ancho mesiodistal de los dientes permanentes no erupcionados, para prevenir futuras maloclusiones. Objetivo: fue generar una nueva ecuación regresi...

Cómo decir malas noticias sin faltar al compromiso con la humanidad del paciente

RESUMEN Comunicar malas noticias continúa siendo un reto en la comunicación en el campo asistencial y, pese a la existencia de metodologías que permiten humanizar una información de gran impacto en la vida de las personas, suele no ser enseñada ni utilizada en el quehacer diario, trayendo en consecu...

Segmented mechanics for traction of impacted maxillary canine: case report with a 3-year follow-up

Biosci. j. (Online); 35 (1), 2019
Young patients are increasingly concerned with smile aesthetics, resulting in the early visit to the dental office. It is of great importance that professionals such as orthodontists, pediatric dentists, and general practitioners are aware of the potential changes in positioning and developmen...

Qualidade de vida de pacientes com deformidades dentofaciais: o impacto da reabilitação bucomaxilofacial

O sucesso do tratamento das deformidades dentofaciais não depende somete em reestabelecer as funções mastigatória, fonética e a estética; as motivações, percepções e expectativas individuais de cada paciente devem ser igualmente consideradas no momento do planejamento, garantindo a melhora em s...

Anterior crossbite malocclusion: prevalence and treatment with afixed inclined plane orthodontic appliance

Braz. j. oral sci; 18 (), 2019
Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of anterior crossbite and to verify the effectiveness of the orthodontic appliance Inclined Plane in the correction of this malocclusion. Methods: The clinical examination was performed 702 children in the deciduous or mixed dentition of 7 schools and in those found the an...

A comparative analysis of the frictional resistance of esthetic orthodontic wires

Abstract Introduction The orthodontic movement is directly influenced by the ability of orthodontic wires to slide through brackets and tubes. Therefore, the main concern during orthodontic movement corresponds to the frictional forces generated at the bracket-orthodontic wire interface. Objective This...

Corticotomia selectiva y ortodoncia: distancia y tiempo en que se logra realizar un desplazamiento. Revisión bibliografica

Odontología (Ecuad.); 21 (2), 2019
La corticotomía se define como una osteotomía, en la cual, se corta el hueso cortical, perforando o alterando mecánicamente de una manera quirúrgica controlada y al mismo tiempo penetrando mínimamente en la mé-dula ósea para acelerar el movimiento dental ortodóntico en respuesta a una demanda de ...

Is mouth-breathing related to alterations in facial soft tissues?

Objective: To compare the facial soft tissues of nasal breathers (NB) and mouthbreathers (MB) using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT).Methods: This was a comparative study of four angular and eight linearcephalometric variables obtained from the facial soft tissues of 43 young menand women ...

Integrated treatment between orthodontics and pediatric dentistry using the ulectomy technique: case report

Introduction: In the pediatric dental clinic the impacted teeth can be observedeventually, which can lead to the development of occlusion disorders. Objective:This study aimed to report a clinical case in which the surgical technique ofulectomy was used in conjunction with orthodontic treatm...