Results: 272

Biologia molecular de leveduras e sua aplicação biotecnológica para estudo de mecanismos celulares do câncer e seu tratamento

A levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae é o eucarioto mais bem caracterizado quanto às vias metabólicas, celulares e funções de genes. Calcula-se que dos 6.000 genes codificadores de proteínas, pelo menos 3.000 tenham homologia com genes humanos. Além disso, mesmo quando não há homologia direta, os ...

Factores de riesgo según la ocurrencia de accidentes laborales en el personal de enfermería del Centro Médico S. A de la ciudad de Corrientes durante el periodo del 1 enero al 31 diciembre del 2015

El personal que trabaja en establecimientos de salud, como cualquier trabajador, está expuesto a sufrir algún tipo de accidente, dentro de los factores que afectan al personal de salud (enfermería) están las que guardan relación con las condiciones en que el trabajo es ejecutado. Se realizó un estu...

Automedicação em estudantes de enfermagem do Estado do Amazonas - Brasil

Rev. gaúch. enferm; 38 (1), 2017
RESUMO Objetivo Determinar a prevalência e os fatores associados à automedicação entre estudantes de enfermagem. Método Estudo transversal realizado com 116 estudantes de enfermagem de uma universidade pública do Estado do Amazonas – Brasil, no período de março a abril de 2014. Utilizou...

Antiviral activity of animal venom peptides and related compounds

Viruses exhibit rapid mutational capacity to trick and infect host cells, sometimes assisted through virus-coded peptides that counteract host cellular immune defense. Although a large number of compounds have been identified as inhibiting various viral infections and disease progression, it is urgent to...

Ocellatin peptides from the skin secretion of the South American frog Leptodactylus labyrinthicus (Leptodactylidae): characterization, antimicrobial activities and membrane interactions

Background The availability of antimicrobial peptides from several different natural sources has opened an avenue for the discovery of new biologically active molecules. To the best of our knowledge, only two peptides isolated from the frog Leptodactylus labyrinthicus, namely pentadactylin and ocellatin...

Preliminary molecular characterization of a proinflammatory and nociceptive molecule from the Echinometra lucunter spines extracts

Background Sea urchins are animals commonly found on the Brazilian shoreline, being Echinometra lucunter the most abundant species. Accidents caused by E. lucunter have been reported as one of the most frequent in Brazil, and are characterized by intense pain and inflammation, consequence of spine punct...

Isolation of biologically active peptides from the venom of Japanese carpenter bee, Xylocopa appendiculata

Background Mass spectrometry-guided venom peptide profiling is a powerful tool to explore novel substances from venomous animals in a highly sensitive manner. In this study, this peptide profiling approach is successfully applied to explore the venom peptides of a Japanese solitary carpenter bee, Xyloco...

Peptidomic analysis of the venom of the solitary bee Xylocopa appendiculata circumvolans

Background: Among the hymenopteran insect venoms, those from social wasps and bees - such as honeybee, hornets and paper wasps - have been well documented. Their venoms are composed of a number of peptides and proteins and used for defending their nests and themselves from predators. In contrast, the ven...

Methanolic extract of Euchelus asper exhibits in-ovo anti-angiogenic and in vitro anti-proliferative activities

Biol. Res; 50 (), 2017
BACKGROUND: The marine environment is a rich source of bioactive natural products. Many of the marine bioactive compounds have been derived successfully from molluscs. Euchelus asper is a marine mollusc which is commonly found in the intertidal rocky regions of the Mumbai coast. The present study was foc...

Ingesta de productos naturales o macrobióticos una llamada de atención a la salud pública
Intake of natural or macrobiotic products a call for attention to public health

Este trabajo aborda la importancia de prevenir el uso indiscriminado de productos naturales o macrobióticos, sus posibles efectos perjudiciales en la salud, así concienciar a profesionales en el área de la salud sobre la importancia de incluir este tema durante la historia médica. Se analiza el incr...