Results: 252

Posture and mobility of the upper body quadrant and pulmonary function in COPD: an exploratory study

ABSTRACT Background There is limited evidence regarding interactions between pulmonary (dys)function, posture, and mobility of the upper body quadrant in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Objectives This exploratory study aimed to investigate whether postural alignment and mob...

Exploratory factor analysis for differentiating sensory and mechanical variables related to muscle-tendon unit elongation

ABSTRACT Background Stretching exercises are able to promote adaptations in the muscle-tendon unit (MTU), which can be tested through physiological and biomechanical variables. Identifying the key variables in MTU adaptations is crucial to improvements in training. Objective To perform an exploratory f...

Reliability of measuring pectoralis minor muscle resting length in subjects with and without signs of shoulder impingement

Background: Pectoralis minor adaptive shortening may change scapula resting position and scapular kinematics during arm elevation. A reliable and clinically feasible method for measuring pectoralis minor length will be useful for clinical decision making when evaluating and treating individuals with sho...

Neurotization of free gracilis transfer with the brachialis branch of the musculocutaneous nerve to restore finger and thumb flexion in lower trunk brachial plexus injury: an anatomical study and case report

Clinics; 71 (4), 2016
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the feasibility of using free gracilis muscle transfer along with the brachialis muscle branch of the musculocutaneous nerve to restore finger and thumb flexion in lower trunk brachial plexus injury according to an anatomical study and a case report. METHODS: Thirty formalin-fi...

Infiltración con corticoides para la capsulitis adhesiva del hombro
Infiltration with corticosteroids for adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder

Temporomandibular disorders in fibromyalgia patients: are there different pain onset?

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 74 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective To identify temporomandibular disorders (TMD) symptoms in two groups of fibromyalgia patients according to the temporal relation between the onset of facial pain (FP) and generalized body pain (GBP). Cross-sectional study design: Fifty-three consecutive women with fibromyalgia and FP...

Flexibility and muscle strength/resistance indicators and screening of low back pain in adolescents

Abstract Low back pain is increasing considerably among adolescents, reaching proportions similar to the adult population. Flexibility (Flex) and muscle strength/resistance, components of Health-Related Physical Fitness (HRPF), seem to be associated with presence of low back pain. The aim of this study w...

Supervised physical therapy in women treated with radiotherapy for breast cancer

ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the effect of physical therapy on the range of motion of the shoulders and perimetry of the upper limbs in women treated with radiotherapy for breast cancer. Methods: a total of 35 participants were randomized into two groups, with 18 in the control group (CG) and 17 i...

Efeito agudo de diferentes volumes do treinamento de força na flexibilidade

Introdução: O volume em uma sessão de treinamento de força (TF) pode alterar a flexibilidade. Objetivo: Verificar o efeito agudo de uma sessão de TF com diferentes volumes na flexibilidade, imediatamente após o término da sessão e 24 e 48 horas após. Métodos: Sessen...

Efeito do treinamento de força no formato de circuito nos níveis de força e desempenho funcional em mulheres idosas

Introdução: No envelhecimento são observadas alterações funcionais, bioquímicas e morfológicas. Objetivo: Verificar os efeitos de um período de treinamento de força (TF) nos níveis de força e desempenho funcional em mulheres idosas. Materiais e Métodos: Foram recrutadas ...