Results: 3070

The use of sodium trimetaphosphate for matrix metalloproteinase inhibition, remineralization and bonding to dentin

The adhesive process to dentin substrate depends on the condition determined by the combined action of the mineral loss and the endogenous enzymes activity. Thus, considering a more complete therapeutic approach, sodium trimetaphosphate (STMP) may be a novel strategy that conciliates the remineralization...

Protective effect of milk against dental demineralization: understanding the mechanisms

This study aimed to answer the following questions: 1) does whole fluoridated milk protect more against enamel and dentin erosion than fat-free fluoridated milk? 2) does the protective effect of fluoridated milk against erosion follow a dose-response relationship? 3) is the treatment with whole or fat-fr...

Effects of different irrigation regimes in physico-chemical properties of dentin and consequences of changes in the adhesion of microorganisms and AH Plus sealer

Besides of the desired effects, the chemical solutions used to assist the endodontic instruments in the cleanliness and disinfection of the root canal system can also cause changes in the physicochemical properties of dentin, and consequently affect the adhesion of endodontic sealers and microorganisms t...

Assessment of rotary and reciprocating movements in root canal filling material removal

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of preparation, filling removal material, reinstrumentation and reobturation of root canals with different Ni-Ti alloys in endodontic retreatment. Firstly, the selection and pairing of mesial root canals of mandibular molars (n = 45) were performed by com...

Residual stress within the porcelain veneer of 3-unit zirconia fixed dental prostheses with different framework designs measured by nanoindentation

The present study aimed to identify different concentrations of residual stress of surfaces of porcelain veneer (PV) fused to zirconia 3-unit fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) with even thickness and modified (lingual collar connected to proximal struts presenting 12 mm2 connector area) framework designs by...

Evaluation of sealing ability, color alteration and surface morphology of MTA and Portland cement associated with different radiopacifiers and liquids

This study aimed to analyze the influence of two different vehicles for MTA manipulation on color alteration, chemical characteristics, and radiopacity after immersion in blood or distilled water (DW). In addition, some physical-chemical properties, volumetric solubility and bioactivity of new brands of ...

Evaluation of methods for removal of filling material in endodontic retreatment and assessment of antimicrobial action of solutions used in final irrigation

When endodontic treatment fails, an alternative could be root canal retreatment. During this procedure, all filling material should be removed to allow a new root canal preparation and new obturation of the root canal system. Bacteria are the main cause of endodontic treatment failure, and persistent inf...

Physical-chemical properties and cytotoxicity analysis of 5 different endodontic sealers

The aim of this study was to analyze the radiopacity, setting time, flowability, pH, calcium ion release, solubility and cytotoxicity of bioceramic cements Totalfill BC Sealer and Totalfill BC RRM, and compare them with AH Plus, MTA Fillapex and MTA Angelus. The groups were divided and compared among the...

Desenvolvimento, caracterização e desempenho biológico de um novo biomaterial de liberação controlada à base de carbonato de lítio aplicado ao reparo ósseo

Neste trabalho desenhou-se bases de desenvolvimento, caracterização e avaliação dos aspectos biológicos relacionados ao Sistema BoneLithium, idealizado a partir da associação de partículas de carbonato de lítio dispersas em matriz gel de carbopol®, com capacidade de atuar como um sistema libera...

Efeito da aplicação de diferentes materiais resinosos sobre o esmalte erodido, submetido à erosão e/ou abrasão in vitro e in situ

O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar em esmalte, a aplicação de materiais resinosos com e sem excesso, quando submetido à erosão de curta duração in vitro (subprojeto 1) e avaliar a resistência desses materiais quando submetidos à erosão e/ou abrasão em estudo prolongado in vitro (sub...