Results: 3961

A new variety of Bacopa monnieri obtained by in vitro polyploidization

The commercial value of Bacopa monnieri, a widespread herbaceous plant in Argentina, can be substantially improved increasing its flower size by chromosome doubling with colchicine. MS supplemented with 0.25 mg/L of 6-benzylaminopurine proved to be an appropriate medium for the in vitro multiplication of...

Identification of microsatellites linked to Lr47

Leaf rust resistance gene Lr47 is located within a interstitial segment of Triticum speltoides Taush. 7S chromosome translocated to the short arm of chromosome 7A of bread wheat. This gene is resistant against currently predominant races of leaf rust from Argentina. The objectives of this study were to i...

Towards genetic transformation of local onion varieties

The aim of this work was to explore the possibility of obtaining transgenic plants of onion varieties cultivated in Argentina, starting from calli induced from mature zygotic embryos, using two strains of Agrobacterium tumefaciens as transfection vectors. Mature embryos from three varieties of 'Valencian...

Biotechnology in Argentine agriculture faces world-wide concentration

In the 1980s, the technical pattern of production in agriculture changed due to the increasing design of genetically modified plants. Modern biotechnology thrived on events requiring certain thresholds of scientific and technological skills as well as scale economies usually seen in developed countries. ...

Estudio local de comportamientos de rechaz y evitación de las herramientas de tecnología digital (Tecnofobia), en adultos universitario de Córdoba-Argentina

El objetivo fundamental de la investigación es describir factores que condicionan el uso de las herramientas digitales en sujetos adultos(18-80 años), universitarios, de Córdoba-Argentina, buscando detectar la presencia de un trastorno de ansiedad genéricamente denominado "Tecnofobia". Siguiendo la p...

Determinación del nivel de conocimiento sobre dengue en alumnos de escuelas municipales de la ciudad de Córdoba: perspectivas para la prevención

El Dengue es un problema creciente de salud mundial, donde solo en la región de las Américas circulan los cuatro serotipos de dengue; y donde es probable que la magnitud del problema del dengue /dengue hemorrágico, siga aumentando, debido al alarmamente aumento del vector: Aedes Aegypti. La promoción...