Results: 2005
Nutriçäo da criança
Relatório resumo das atividades do grupo de pesquisas de ciências sociais em nutriçäo em 1979
Niveis de IgA, IgM e IgG no colostro e leite humano
Niveis das imunoglobulinas A, M e G foram determinados por imunodifusao radial simples, em colostro de 61 maes. Em 29 destas maes, foi feito estudo longitudinal do comportamento das imunoglobulinas, referentes aos 15e 30 dias de pos-parto. As imunoplacas para as dosagens e a SIgA de referencia para a qua...
Nutritional consequences of rural-urban migration
A alimentaçäo - fator de promoçäo humana
A reference manual on iron deficiency anaemia for community health workers
Health and nutrition of women engaged in marketing agricultural produce in parochial markets
Food and nutrition surveillance: a methodology for use in small developing Caribbean territories part 2: establishment of pilot project in St. Kitts-Nevis
This paper gives an account of the actual establishment of the pilot scheme, showing how the process of collecting, analysing and evaluating surveillance data can quickly define trends affecting the "quality of life" (including nutritional status) of groups of people in St. Kitts-Nevis. The simplest meth...
Health for all - nutritional aspects
This paper examines the relationship between nutrition and health and discusses the implications of recession for nutrition in relation to supply and demand conditions as well as income and price levels. Proposals for addressing the food and nutrition problems are offered and measures to be adopted both ...