Results: 50

Masculinization in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) by androgen immersion: The interaction effect of hormone concentration and immersion time

Braz. j. biol; 81 (2), 2021
Synthetic androgens (male hormones) administered to fish nursery are being used in aquaculture to avoid sexual differentiation and unwanted spawning at the eggs or the first feeding fry stage of fish. Present trial was conducted with the aim to produce male common carp (Cyprinus carpio) by egg immersion ...

Uso de androgênios nas diferentes fases da vida: período reprodutivo
Use of androgens at different stages of life: reproductive period

Femina; 49 (12), 2021

Asociación entre el cociente del segundo y cuarto dedo y el riesgo de cáncer de próstata: Un estudio de casos y controles en población mediterránea

Objetivo Evaluar la asociación entre el cociente de los dedos segundo y cuarto (2D:4D), como un biomarcador de la exposición prenatal a andrógenos, y la presencia de cáncer de próstata (CaP). Métodos Estudio de casos y controles con 260 hombres que consultaron en el Servicio de Urología del H...

Uso de testosterona en mujeres: un comentario sobre el consenso global sobre el uso de la terapia de testosterona para mujeres
Global consensus position statement on the use of testosterone therapy for women

Las mujeres han sido tratadas por décadas con testosterona intentando aliviar una gran variedad de síntomas con riesgos y beneficios inciertos. En la mayoría de los países, la testosterona se prescribe “off-label”, de modo que las mujeres están utilizando compuestos y dosis ideadas para tratamie...

Polycystic ovary syndrome associated with increased adiposity interferes with serum levels of TNF-alpha and IL-6 differently from leptin and adiponectin

ABSTRACT Objective The aim of this study was to investigate polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and to explore the relationship between body fat percentage and metabolic markers. Subjects and methods Sedentary women were assigned to PCOS (N = 60) and CONTROL (N = 60) groups. Each group was subdivided in...

Improvement of anther cultures conditions using the Taguchi method in three cereal crops

Background: Plant tissue cultures have the potential to reprogram the development of microspores from normal gametophytic to sporophytic pathway resulting in the formation of androgenic embryos. The efficiency of this process depends on the genotype, media composition and external conditions. However, th...

Síndrome de insensibilidad androgénica. A propósito de un caso clínico

Metro cienc; 28 (1), 2020
RESUMEN El síndrome de insensibilidad androgénica (SIA) es una de las anormalidades de la diferenciación sexual (desarrollo sexual diferente). Es un trastorno genético dependiente del cromosoma X, produce una alteración en el receptor de andrógenos, se asocia con testículos en las mujeres cuyo car...

Dosages of androgenic hormones in adolescent patients with severe acne

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE Acne vulgaris in female adolescents, when severe or accompanied by other signs of androgenization, may represent a sign of hyperandrogenemia often underdiagnosed, which will have harmful consequences for adult life. The objective of this cross-sectional and retrospective study was to ...