Results: 15

Recurrent acute pancreatitis caused by pancreatic biliary maljunction due to long common channel

The pancreatic biliary maljunction is a rare anomaly that affects mainly females, defined as an anatomical maljunction of the pancreatic duct and the biliary duct confluence, and may be a rare cause of recurrent acute pancreatitis. In order to early diagnosis and prompt treatment, ERCP has an important r...

Terminal ileum duplication: an unusual case of small bowel obstruction

West Indian med. j; 62 (2), 2013
Duplications of the alimentary tract are uncommon congenital anomalies that usually present during infancy and early childhood. The case of an adolescent presenting with small bowel obstruction secondary to a duplication cyst is presented and the challenges in the management described....

Hernia paraduodenal izquierda: hallazgo casual intraoperatorio
Left paraduodenal hernia: casual intraoperative finding

VozAndes; 23 (1), 2012
Una hernia interna es la protrusión de una víscera a través de una abertura normal o anormal dentro de los límites de la cavidad abdominal. Clínicamente pueden ser asintomáticas o causar cuadros de dolor abdominal intermitente e inexplicable. Su incidencia es menor al 1% pero pueden provocar hasta ...

Relación de la función masticatoria con los trastornos digestivos
Relation of the masticatory function to the digestive disorders

Rev. cuba. estomatol; 44 (4), 2007
Se realizó una investigación en la que se relaciona la función masticatoria con los trastornos digestivos en pacientes que acudieron al chequeo médico en el Hospital Militar Docente Dr Joaquín Castillo Duany, en Santiago de Cuba, de enero de 2004 al 2005, mediante un estudio descriptivo y transversa...

Agenesia de vesícula biliar
Agenesis of gallbladder

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 22 (2), 1995
A genesis of the gallbladders is an uncommon finding in biliary surgery. Its incidence varies from 0,03 per cent to 0,09 per cent in autopsies series. The authors report a case in which the agenesis of the gallbladder was found during the operation in a patient without choledocholithiasis. A parcial revi...