Results: 122

Consenso chileno SOCHINEP-SER para el diagnóstico y tratamiento del asma en el escolar

El asma bronquial es la enfermedad crónica más frecuente en la infancia. Sin embargo, en Chile existe un importante subdiagnóstico. Es fundamental estar atentos a los síntomas y signos que nos hacen sospechar el diagnóstico para iniciar un tratamiento oportuno, que asegure un buen control de la enfe...

Consenso chileno SOCHINEP-SER para el diagnóstico y tratamiento del asma en el escolar

Bronchial asthma is the most prevalent chronic condition among children, however, in Chile, it is underdiagnosed. This may be due to medical professionals failing to recognize the disease. It is essential to be aware of the symptoms and signs that are suggestive of the disease in order to begin an approp...

Acupuntura e farmacopuntura no tratamento da asma em adultos e idosos: qual é a eficácia e a segurança da acupuntura, da auriculoterapia e da farmacopuntura para o tratamento da asma em adultos e/ou idosos?
Acupuncture and pharmacopuncture in the treatment of asthma in adults and the elderly: what is the effectiveness and safety of acupuncture, auriculotherapy and pharmacopuncture for the treatment of asthma in adults and/or the elderly?

A acupuntura se caracteriza pela estimulação de pontos cutâneos específicos por meio do uso de agulhas. A auriculoterapia consiste na estimulação mecânica de pontos específicos do pavilhão auricular com esferas de aço, ouro, prata, plástico, agulhas ou sementes de mostarda. A acupuntura é rec...

Tasas regionales de hospitalización y mortalidad por asma infantil en Chile

Rev. chil. pediatr; 91 (4), 2020
INTRODUCCIÓN: En los últimos años se ha observado un aumento significativo de la tasa de hospitalización por asma en niños. En la actualidad se desconocen las tasas regionales y la tasa de mortalidad. OBJETIVO: Conocer las tasas regionales de hospitalización por asma en niños y determinar la mo...

Characteristics of primary care and rates of pediatric hospitalizations in Brazil

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the association among characteristics of primary health care center (PHCC) with hospitalizations for primary care sensitive conditions (PCSC) in Brazil. METHOD In this study, a cross-sectional ecological study was performed. This study analyzed the 27 capitals of Brazil...

Use of home visits in pediatric severe asthma: randomized controlled trial*

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 54 (), 2020
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of home visits in a group of children and adolescents with severe asthma by using the inhalation technique score and adherence rates to drug treatment. Method: A 12-month randomized controlled trial involving patients aged between three and 17 years u...

Vitamina D y asma

The main source of Vitamin D is the bioconversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to cholecalciferol, however, the level of sun exposition has been drastically reduced during the last decades, so it is not unusual to find a high deficit of Vitamin D in the population. There is evidence to suggest that the defici...

Los efectos del entrenamiento físico en niños asmáticos

Asthma is a chronic obstructive respiratory disease with high prevalence in children. Several factors may trigger asthma symptoms, including exercise, which can lead to exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB). Although physical exercise may represent a risk factor for triggering bronchial obstruction ...

Impacto de la implementación de un algoritmo en el tratamiento de niños hospitalizados por asma agudo

Patients hospitalized for acute asthma treated with a pre-established algorithm could decrease hospital stay and critical bed (PICU) requirement. The objective of this article was to implement and evaluate the impact of a pre-established algorithm to treat children hospitalized for acute asthma. It is a ...