Results: 30

Evidence and practices of the use of next generation sequencing in patients with undiagnosed autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias: a review

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 78 (9), 2020
ABSTRACT Autosomal dominant cerebellar ataxias (ADCA) are heterogeneous diseases with a highly variable phenotype and genotype. They can be divided into episodic ataxia and spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA); the latter is considered the prototype of the ADCA. Most of the ADCA are caused by polyglutamine expan...

Ataxias cerebelosas e infecciones virales: caracterización clínica y mecanismos neuropatogénicos
Cerebellar ataxias and viral infections: clinical characterization and neuropathogenic mechanisms

Rev. cuba. med. trop; 72 (1), 2020
Introducción: La ataxia constituye una alteración en la coordinación de los movimientos, resultado de una disfunción del cerebelo, sus conexiones, así como alteraciones en la médula espinal, nervios periféricos o una combinación de estas condiciones. Las ataxias se clasifican en hereditarias, esp...

Cardiomyopathy as the first manifestation of Friedreichs ataxia

Autops. Case Rep; 10 (3), 2020
We present the case of a female patient diagnosed in childhood with Friedreich Ataxia (FA). At the age of 6, she developed left congestive heart failure with cardiomyopathy, as evident on echocardiogram. Neurologic signs only appeared at age 7, including marked loss of muscle mass, gait instability, musc...

Acute cerebellar ataxia: differential diagnosis and clinical approach

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 77 (3), 2019
ABSTRACT Cerebellar ataxia is a common finding in neurological practice and has a wide variety of causes, ranging from the chronic and slowly-progressive cerebellar degenerations to the acute cerebellar lesions due to infarction, edema and hemorrhage, configuring a true neurological emergency. Acute cere...

Doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob: relato de caso

As doenças priônicas fazem parte do grupo das síndromes de demência rapidamente progressiva com neurodegeneração. Em humanos, a doença de Creutzfeldt-Jakob é a mais prevalente. Atualmente, seu diagnóstico pode ser baseado em uma combinação do quadro clínico, ressonância magnética e eletroen...

Embolización preoperatoria con Onyx en tumores cuya irrigación principal proviene de la arteria cerebelosa superior. Reporte de dos casos y revisión de la literatura
Preoperative embolization with Onyx in tumors whose main supply comes from the superior cerebellar artery. Report of two cases and review of the literature

Rev. argent. neurocir; 33 (1), 2019
Introducción : Los hemangioblastomas y los meningiomas son neoplasias intracraneales frecuentes en las cuales la resección quirúrgica total es el tratamiento indicado. En algunas situaciones, son lesiones altamente vascularizadas, por lo cual es de utilidad la embolización preoperatoria. Descripción...

Síndrome de Chediak-Higashi em fase acelerada: um relato de caso

A síndrome de Chediak-Higashi (CHS) é um distúrbio genético autossômico recessivo decorrente de uma mutação no gene regulador do transporte lisossomal (LYST ou CHS1). Os sintomas da síndrome são resultado de alterações funcionais de melanócitos, plaquetas, neutrófilos e células natural kill...

A retrospective study of quadrigeminal arachnoid cysts diagnosed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Computed Tomography in 26 dogs

Pesqui. vet. bras; 38 (2), 2018
Arachnoid cysts are accumulations of cerebrospinal fluid that occur within the arachnoid membrane due to the splitting or duplication of this structure. The aim of this retrospective study is to report the occurrence of this condition in 26 dogs, as well as to describe the findings of computed tomography...