Results: 22

Ventilatory demand and dynamic hyperinflation induced during ADL-based tests in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients

ABSTRACT Background Airflow limitation frequently leads to the interruption of activities of daily living (ADL) in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). These patients commonly show absence of ventilatory reserve, reduced inspiratory reserve volume, and dynamic hyperinflation (DH)....

A cycle ergometer exercise program improves exercise capacity and inspiratory muscle function in hospitalized patients awaiting heart transplantation: a pilot study

Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of a cycle ergometer exercise program on exercise capacity and inspiratory muscle function in hospitalized patients with heart failure awaiting heart transplantation with intravenous inotropic support. Methods: Patients awaiting h...

Effects of diaphragmatic control on the assessment of sniff nasal inspiratory pressure and maximum relaxation rate

OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of diaphragmatic activation control (diaphC) on Sniff Nasal-Inspiratory Pressure (SNIP) and Maximum Relaxation Rate of inspiratory muscles (MRR) in healthy subjects. METHOD: Twenty subjects (9 male; age: 23 (SD=2.9) years; BMI: 23.8 (SD=3) kg/m2; FEV1/FVC: 0.9 (SD=0.1)...

Confiabilidad de la fuerza muscular respiratoria y flujos espiratorios forzados en adolescentes sanos

Inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength (MIP and MEP) assessment, and peak expiratory flow (PEF) and peak cough flow (PCF) measurements are often used to assess patients with respiratory diseases. Notwithstanding, there are few reports about reliability of these measurements. The aim of this study is ...

Pressão inspiratória nasal e hiperinsuflação pulmonar estática em indivíduos com DPOC

Influência do treinamento muscular inspiratório em idosas hipertensas com fraqueza muscular inspiratória

Presión inspiratoria máxima en artritis reumatoide
Maximal inspiratory pressure in rheumatoid arthritis

En 10 pacientes portadoras de artritis reumatoide se evaluó la fuerza global de la musculatura inspiratoria a través de la presón inspiratoria máxima (PIM). Seis sujetos presentaron alteraciones radiológicas pulmonares, 6 manifestaciones de tos y 2 de disnea. La PIM resultó significativamente dismi...

Entrenamiento muscular inspiratorio en pacientes con obstrucción bronquial crónica: factores relacionados con la mejoría de la disnea
Inspiratory muscular training in patients with chronic bronchial obstruction: factors related to improvement in dyspnea

Estudiamos 20 pacientes con OBC (VEF1/CVF 37 . 3 porciento) que fueron asignados en forma aleatoria y doble ciego a EMI por 10 semanas con una válvula umbral, empleando un 30 porciento (grupo 1) o un 10 porciento (grupo 2) de la PIMax como carga de entrenamiento. Los cambios en la disnea se evaluaron co...

Resistencia a la fatiga de los músculos inspiratorios en sujetos expuestos intermitentemente a hipoxia hipobárica
Resistance to inspiratory muscle fatigue in subjects intermittently exposed to hypobaric hypoxia

Para evaluar el efecto de la exposición intermitente a un ambiente de hipoxia hipobárica en la fuerza y resistencia a la fatiga de los músculos inspiratorios, estudiamos 51 sujetos (edad promedio de 31ñ8.6 años) que trabajan en una mina de oro situada en el norte de Chile mediante un esquema de jorn...