ABSTRACT Studies on belowground roots biomass have increasingly reported the importance of the contribution of this compartment in carbon stock maintenance in mangrove forests. To date, there are no estimates of this contribution in Brazilian mangrove forests, although the country has the second largest ...
ABSTRACT Amazonia is crucial to global carbon cycle. Deforestation continues to be one of the main causes of the release of C into the atmosphere, but forest restoration plantations can reverse this scenario. However, there is still diffuse information about the C and nutrient stocks in the vegetation bi...
ABSTRACT In order to contribute to understand the factors that control the provisioning of the ecosystem service of carbon storage by mangroves, data on carbon stock and sequestration in the aboveground biomass (AGB) from 73 articles were averaged and tested for the dependence on latitude, climatic param...
ResumenLa distribución de carbono azul en los ecosistemas, entre los que se cuentan los manglares, es poco conocida en comparación con los grandes avances que existen para los ecosistemas forestales terrestres, a pesar de que su alta productividad y capacidad de almacenamiento de carbono es reconocida....
ResumenLas estimaciones de carbono en bosques tropicales, es muy importante para entender el papel de estos ecosistemas en el ciclo de este elemento. Este conocimiento permite apoyar y soportar las decisiones y la formulación de estrategias de mitigación y adaptación para reducir las emisiones de gase...
The Gulf of Papagayo, Pacific coast of Costa Rica, is one of the three seasonal upwelling areas of Mesoamerica. In April 2009, a 29-hour experiment was carried out at the pier of the Marina Papagayo, Culebra Bay. We determined sea surface temperature (SST), dissolved oxygen concentration, salinity, pH, a...
Líneas avanzadas de trigo harinero (Triticum aestivum), trigo duro (T. durum), triticale (X Triticosecale), hibridaciones de T. aestivum con agropyron spp. y trigos hexaploides X triticale fueron evaluados en cuanto a su resistencia a Tilletia indica, el agente causal del carbón parcial del trigo. Las ...