Results: 14

Analysis of cricoid pressure application: anaesthetic trainee doctors vs. nursing anaesthetic assistants

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 66 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the ability of anaesthetic trainee doctors compared to nursing anaesthetic assistants in identifying the cricoid cartilage, applying the appropriate cricoid pressure and producing an adequate laryngeal inlet view. METHODS: Eighty-five participants, 42 an...

Is diverticulopexy better than diverticulectomy in the treatment of Zenker's diverticulum?

Dez pacientes portadores de diverticulo de Zenker foram submetidos a diverticulopexia associada a miotomia do musculo cricofaringeo para tratamento dessa afeccao, entre o periodo de 1983 a 1992. A tecnica consiste na disseccao do diverticulo e ancoramento do mesmo a fascia pre-vertebral de modo a ficar i...